Смотря каких. Те же титаны Слаанеш специализируются на стремительном перемещении в авангарде и налётах на вражеские позиции, дабы в пробитые ими бреши во вражеской обороне пронырнули основные силы и устроили пиздец прямо на позициях врага, лишив его бонусов позиционного ведения войны и увеличив количество фана для адептов Тёмного Принца, которым скучновато перестреливаться в окопах. При внезапном нападении такой няшки, шанс разнести её до того, как она окажется у тебя перед носом, и вместе с ней арте придётся бомбить союзные войска и позиции, весьма и весьма низка.
"Like their Imperial counterparts, Chaos Scout Titans dedicated to the Pleasure God Slaanesh possess incredible speed, which allows them to start attacking the enemy while the rest of the army is still charging into range. As they skirt around the foe, the Slaanesh Scout Titans flicker with power, tapping raw energy from the Immaterium to maintain their essence within the physical realm.
Inside the hardened carapace of each of these fell God-engines is the spirit of a bound daemon, guiding it with sheer force of will, firing its weapons as one might raise a finger. Like their smaller Renegade Knight counterparts, Slaanesh Titans do not utilise Ion Shields. Instead, they are surrounded by a glittering wall of energy created by the Warp-interface within them which anchors the daemonic spirit inside to the material realm.
This shifting, swirling aura is called the Glamour of Slaanesh and makes a Slaanesh Titan very hard to target accurately. In effect, it works like an Aeldari Holo-field, and is yet another emulation of that xenos race's own Titans. Like the Holo-field, the Glamour of Slaanesh proves useless against barrages and other attacks spread over a wide area, as such weapons do not rely on pinpoint accuracy. Additionally, since the Glamour of Slaanesh is an interface with the Immaterium, it also provides a measure of protection against attacks drawing upon the Warp, such as Vortex Missiles or psychic powers."
Оружие родом из тёмной эры, которое производить-то едва умеют, суеверные и туповатые механикумы упростить элементарно не могли, в этом причина редкости и ценности подобных вещей. Узнай хоть немного бэкграунд сороковника.
"Like their Imperial counterparts, Chaos Scout Titans dedicated to the Pleasure God Slaanesh possess incredible speed, which allows them to start attacking the enemy while the rest of the army is still charging into range. As they skirt around the foe, the Slaanesh Scout Titans flicker with power, tapping raw energy from the Immaterium to maintain their essence within the physical realm.
Inside the hardened carapace of each of these fell God-engines is the spirit of a bound daemon, guiding it with sheer force of will, firing its weapons as one might raise a finger. Like their smaller Renegade Knight counterparts, Slaanesh Titans do not utilise Ion Shields. Instead, they are surrounded by a glittering wall of energy created by the Warp-interface within them which anchors the daemonic spirit inside to the material realm.
This shifting, swirling aura is called the Glamour of Slaanesh and makes a Slaanesh Titan very hard to target accurately. In effect, it works like an Aeldari Holo-field, and is yet another emulation of that xenos race's own Titans. Like the Holo-field, the Glamour of Slaanesh proves useless against barrages and other attacks spread over a wide area, as such weapons do not rely on pinpoint accuracy. Additionally, since the Glamour of Slaanesh is an interface with the Immaterium, it also provides a measure of protection against attacks drawing upon the Warp, such as Vortex Missiles or psychic powers."