Чуть не так как я написал выше Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought First created during the Ullanor Crusade, the Contemptor-Cortus was a variant of the highly successful ‘Prime’ Contemptor pattern. Utilizing many base components, the most sophisticated systems were replaced with robust - if less potent - systems which could be more readily fabricated in the field by the Legiones Astartes. The result was a war machine with its own unique strengths and combat characteristics, but also with a not-undeserved reputation for instability. However, as the Horus Heresy broke out, this more easily produced variant of Contemptor Dreadnought was returned to widespread service.[5]
Про взрывоопасность насколько я помню, это миф. Во время завоевания Армагеддона было множество повреждённых дредноутов-контмпторов которые на скорую руку чинили. Качество оперативной починки в полевых мастерских вы можете себе представить. В итоге многие из них ловили критическое повреждение реактора. Вот отсюда и пошёл миф про ненадёжные контемпторы
>Специально для десантников с умственной отсталостью, махающих выключенным силовым оружием, были разработаны тяжелые топоры. Иронично что пилотопоры изобрели в легионе Ангрона
Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought
First created during the Ullanor Crusade, the Contemptor-Cortus was a variant of the highly successful ‘Prime’ Contemptor pattern. Utilizing many base components, the most sophisticated systems were replaced with robust - if less potent - systems which could be more readily fabricated in the field by the Legiones Astartes. The result was a war machine with its own unique strengths and combat characteristics, but also with a not-undeserved reputation for instability. However, as the Horus Heresy broke out, this more easily produced variant of Contemptor Dreadnought was returned to widespread service.[5]
Иронично что пилотопоры изобрели в легионе Ангрона