Ну...мы хотя бы с этого покормились)
You're sources of information has outdated. Dark Eldar doesn't feed Bitch in 5th codex. Unlike mon'keigh and specially your "chapter of close men's brotherhood"=)
заслуживающим доверия ТЭ...
Surprise, mon'keighfucker!
Well, you, the "angels of death", "Emperor's finests" - just bunch of queers and proud of it? And The Fallen Ones - a liltle group of straights, that's why you want them "repended"? Fine, I understood) By the way, there's no any fees to Hungry Bitch. We're torturing and have fun with women (ah, if you only know how it sweet) to feed OUR sols with emotions and power, not Slaanesh.
Yeah-yeah...Everyone knows that DA are specialists in faggot-stuff)
Ну так он может быть и подыгрывал бы горе интриганту какое то время, но с глупцами, трубящим всем о заговоре у него разговор другой.
with a shame*
with xeno-deviations? I'm a dark eldar. Our teenagers know about deviations things, that make you burn by shame. But about faggots DA know more, that anothers...
Ой зря ты это вслух. Зря-Зря-Зря-Зря-Зря...