You shell not pass!
Хотя конечно "твоего перевода" еще никто не зливал...Но шутке уже 3 года.
  ЖВ: Копье и пистолет это чё за комбинация?
 Если сделать гугл транслейт обратно выйдет даже неплохо:

He was not afraid of change. The change, he said, was part of the overbearing nature.
“The melancholy mood is multifaceted,” he said. “It looks like autumn. She is transformative. She makes me an accelerator of death, the beginning of both beginnings and ends. I was created to cleanse this world, ready for renewal. Drop the false and accept the true. This is my goal. I'm not afraid".
And now, after reassembling his face, he always seemed invincible.
Один шип, два шипа... восемь...
Как отделаться от впечатления что у него милые маленькие конечности?..
Teh drama.