Ork Runt Bot / Orks (Orcs, Орки) :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: фэндомы

Orks ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Ork Runt Bot

Что пацаны загрустили? Я тоже. Что то и танки собирать неохота.... сижу вот вспоминаю старые денечки когда и Дакки было больше и громыхала она погромче и самый мелкий сквиг был не меньше свиггота, а снотлинги размером с Газкулла... Сегодня что то вспомнился один из роботов орков...RuntBot(РантБот)Runt (сущ) - коротышка,мелюзга.Bot (сущ)- робот.Наверное всем нам больше знаком РантБот(RuntBot) от Forge World(Warhammer 40k Forge World Limited Edition Ork Runt Bot & Grot Controller). Это модель была выпущена очень ограниченным тиражом к GamesDay 2010,автором модели является Марк Бедфорд

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

Warhammer 40k Forge World Limited Edition Ork Runt Bot & Grot Controller 2010г.

Эта тонко детализированная и яркая виньетка изображает Грота, неустойчиво расположенный на плече РантБота (RuntBot), который бореться с джойстиком, пытаясь направить режущие когти монстра. .

Наверняка его построил какой- то безумный Мек - который всегда не против посмотреть, как его, гротескная пародия на воина орков, рыча двигателем и направляемого мелким гротом пойдет крушить.... ну хоть кого нибудь...

К сожалению правил на своего RuntBot-а FW не сделали. так что счастливым обладателям приходиться использовать как Босса(Warboss) с кибер-имплантантами(Bionic Body) , возможно подконтрольного Гроту - что подойдет для тематической армии гротов,или как Меганоба(Nob in Mega-Armor)- судя по подставке 40мм. Или просто для украшения.

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

Сравнение размеров Газкул и Рантбот.

Но... хотя последние кодексы не радовали нас наличием правил для множества интересных роботов армии орков, ничто не мешает нам одним глазком глянуть в ранние кодексы ( "Waaargh-the-orks" 1990г(стр.32-33 ), затем - Ere-We-Go" orks in warhammer-40k 1991г(стр 93-94) и дополнительная книга Freebooterz-Space Ork Army List 1992г).

 r Æ 1^ ш ■ шГ, , i, • ■О* Г |l ; *r- ^L,s J J Wj ■ ljTr] J» rj«l J* V ■1 EW r y pfPWOH UI|0D,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

Runtbots Mckboyz are renowned for making unreliable force-field generators. These generators are used on Ork spacecraft and for the robots that accompany the Snotling and Grctchin herds into battle. The robots are simply crude copies of Imperial designs, programmed to advance with the herds and

1 rogue-trader-waaargh-the-orks 1990г.

ROBOTZ CRITICAL DAMAGE CHART - Roll a D6 EFFECT OF DAMAGE 1 The robot belches out a thick cloud of oily, smelly, black smoke which forms a cloud 3" in diameter directly behind the robot. It is impossible to see through the cloud of smoke, and it disperses at the beginning of the Ork player’s

ROBOTZ wishes. While the Runtbot Force Field is turned on no weapon can be fired through the force field - cither in or out, nor may any model move through its perimeter. This means that any model encountered by the advancing Runtbot Force Field is automatically moved out of the way. If the model

warhammer-40k-codex-orks-ere-we-go-rogue-trader-era 1991г.

BAD MOON ARMY LIST BAD MOON RUNTHERDZ Bad Moons arc not noted for the number of their Runtherdz although those they have arc famously rich just like other Bad Moons. Where Boyz Mob/, from other Clans sometimes bring Runtherdz to lake part in the battle. Bad Moons only ever bring Weirdboyz or

Freebooterz (Rogue Trader) 1991г.

Итак... РантБот(RuntBot) - это опция для отряда гретчинов, сконструированный Меком робот, которым управлял Погонщик гротов(Runtherd). Сам робот был весьма небольшим по размерам, едва ли больше самого погонщика, и напоминал маленькую стомпу(наверняка многие путают эту модель из 28мм масштаба с моделью Стомпы 6мм масштаба Epiс WH 40k), по крайней мере робот размещался на дюймовой подставке(25мм).

RUNTBOT BODY 070671/1 THE COMPLETE RUNTBOT MODEL CONSISTS OF: 1 x BODY 2* BOMB LOBBERS BOMB LOBBER 070671/2 THIS IS THE ASSEMBLED MOOEL,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

РантБот(RuntBot) имел силовое поле(RanBot Force Field)для защиты Tолпы гретчинов(Grot Mob) и бомбометателями(RantBot Bomb Lobber) постреливающий в случайную сторону дымовухами(Ork Smoke Stikkbombz).

Это неуклюжее Силовое поле в отличие от привычного по моздним редакциям Самопального силового поля(Kustom Force Field), функционировало немного иначе - единицы в пределах 6 дюймов были защищены и не могли стрелять из поля.

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы
Конверсия Рантбота… как мне кажется.

Как принято у орков силовое поле было с "изюминкой" и могло закоротить... точнее было три варианта переключения "Повысьте уровень энергии"(Boost the energy level),"Вентиляция"(Vent energy), "Деактивация силового щита"(Deactivate the Force Field)с вариативным результатом...

Ну а бомбы(Smoke Stickbomb),летели полукругом,в случайном направлении вперед или по сторонам от РантБота(RuntBot) на 3D6 дюймов, образуя в месте падения дымовую завесу радиусом в 2 дюйма дающие определенные штрафы противнику на стрельбу и видимость.

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы
вот так выглядит оригинальный рантбот.. похож на стомпув масштабе 6мм из EpicWH 40k

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы
рантбот и Банка…. может отвесить пендаль

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы
ранботы и тинбойзы — роботы далеких 90х….

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы
отцы и дети… сравнение старого и … крайнего 20 лет разницы

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы
ну хоть кто то меньше Рантботов.

Ну и напоследок... а зачем он нужен этот забытый РантБот(RuntBot)?

Как его применить на сегодняшний день, когда на дворе 8-я редакция правил?...( упс…годы идут - уже 9ка) я бы поставил его для коллекции на полочку, или водил бы вместо Погонщика гротов.

MECHANICUS REX fib MINIATURE SV,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

MECHANICUS REX MINIATURE $V,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

MECHANICUS REX MINIATURE SV,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

или использовал как украшение террейна(например в мастерской Мека)

или как маркер Силового поля... еще есть вариант использовать робота для обозначения оружейной опции на Вагоне... в общем не пропал бы!

Все мы, (опять) ждем кодекс орков и можно надеяться, что кое что из забытых отрядов вернется к нам(как например пушки мека). Так что возможно мы еще увидим эту "карликовую стомпу" шагающую по игровому столу в окружении вопящих недомерков …

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

1 Jt 'Ы к.,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

мне кажется это Рантбот...

Ну а кое кто и мастерит Рантбота в свои армии не взирая на отсутствие правил… просто для души. а может это и что то другое… кто этих меков разберет…

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы
конверсия рантбота.

Если кто еще чего знает за этих мелких роботов делитесь своими хитрючими секретами!

Автор - Мек Рукожоп.

Соавтор - https:// vk.com/servoskullfactory

Статья взята из группы - https:// vk.com/orkswaaagh


 r Æ 1^ ш ■ шГ, , i, • ■О* Г |l ; *r- ^L,s J J Wj ■ ljTr] J» rj«l J* V ■1 EW r y pfPWOH UI|0D
Runtbots Mckboyz are renowned for making unreliable force-field generators. These generators are used on Ork spacecraft and for the robots that accompany the Snotling and Grctchin herds into battle. The robots are simply crude copies of Imperial designs, programmed to advance with the herds and provide some protection until they engage in combat. Unfortunately, the force fields arc prone to malfunction and can fail at any time. Nevertheless, Runtherdz are keen on gelling robots to protect their herds. The last thing they want is to waste Snotlings and Grctchin before they’ve had the chance to be of some use - especially after all the effort of breeding and rearing them. Martin McKenna
ROBOTZ CRITICAL DAMAGE CHART - Roll a D6 EFFECT OF DAMAGE 1 The robot belches out a thick cloud of oily, smelly, black smoke which forms a cloud 3" in diameter directly behind the robot. It is impossible to see through the cloud of smoke, and it disperses at the beginning of the Ork player’s following tum. 2 One randomly determined weapon is blown or pulled away from the robot and destroyed. 3 If the robot has any kind of force field this is destroyed. 4 The robot’s weapon systems arc damaged so that it can no longer shoot with any of its weapons. It can still strike hand-to-hand combat blows with any close combat weapons it may have. 5 The robot’s receiver is damaged causing it to move erratically. The robot will not obey movement signals, but will respond to such signals by moving D6" in a randomly determined direction. 6 The robot’s motive system is damaged reducing its movement rale by half. 7 The robot is temporarily disoriented and halts in confusion for one complete tum. It docs nothing next tum and ignores any commands due to be completed in that tum. EFFECT OF DAMAGE 8 The robot runs amok ignoring any signals transmitted by the Mekboy and instead behaving as indicated on the chart below. Roll D6 each tum to determine what the robot does. D6 Robot's action 1 Halt and do nothing. 2 Hall and fire on nearest model within 90°. 3 Tum 90° and fire on nearest model. 4 Move forward D6" inches and fire on nearest model within 90°. 5 Move backwards D6" inches. 6 About tum and fire on nearest model within 90°. 9 The robot topples to the ground and lies on its back. It tries to obey commands given to it, but succeeds only in flailing its arms in the air and shooting into the sky. Any shooting or movement orders given to the robot therefore have no practical effect, although a Waaargh!, Ere We Go, or Self Destrucl signal will be obeyed as normal. 10 The robot explodes. Any models within 3" of the exploding robot automatically take a strength D6 hit, any damaged models suffer D6 wounds. CAPTURED ROBOTZ Ork Mekboyz really relish the chance to get their hands on a captured Imperial robot. This is because Imperial robolz are crammed with all kinds of complex gubbins which the Mekboy can use for any number of projects. In fact it is a constant source of amazement to the Orks that their human counterparts should waste so many interesting bits on just one robot. The Mekboyz remove bits for for weapons and bioniks, and the robotz themselves can be transformed into proper Ork robotz by replacing the more complicated parts with simple radio control receivers. Captured robots behave in exactly the same way as other Ork robotz and use the same rules. Although their body-shells remain essentially unchanged it is sometimes necessary to hammer on extra plates to bring the armour up to scratch. On the other hand it is often necessary to take armour plating out so that the crude radio receivers can be fitted. Any protective fields the robots might have had will certainly be removed and may be replaced with proper Ork Force Fields. On the whole, captured robots retain the weapons they had in the service of the Impcrium. Captured robotz have profiles and armament options as described in the Army List section of this volume. RUNTBOTZ Runtbotz arc a special type of robot which the Mekboyz build for Runtherdz. They look a bit like miniature Gargants which also embody the Orkish character in their design and decoration. Runtbotz arc intended to be operated by the Runlherd, so they arc a bit simpler than Tinboyz - you can’t expect a Runlherd to properly understand the marvels of Orky-know-wotz! A Runlbol is designed to accompany a herd of Runlz into battle, providing them with battlefield support and protection in the form of a large force field called a Runlbol Force Field. Runtbotz arc always filled with force fields of this kind and never with any other type. The Runtbot Force Field is powerful enough to extend a protective umbrella over a herd of Runtz congregated around the Runtbot. The Runtz move as the Runtbot moves, having been taught to think of the orky featured and congenially whirring machine as a friend and protector. The Runtbot is controlled by a Runthcrd in the same way as other Robotz arc controlled by Mekboyz. However, the Runlherd can only cope with giving two commands per tum instead of up to three like Mekboyz. RUNTBOT FORCE FIELD The Runtbot Force Field acts like an umbrella which shelters the Runlz. The Force Field is hemi-sphcrical in shape and extends 6" all the way round the Runtbot. The Runtz must be positioned within this area at the start of the game, and the Runlherd may also be placed inside this area if the player 93
ROBOTZ wishes. While the Runtbot Force Field is turned on no weapon can be fired through the force field - cither in or out, nor may any model move through its perimeter. This means that any model encountered by the advancing Runtbot Force Field is automatically moved out of the way. If the model is a vehicle (other than a bike), a Dreadnought, or a robot, the Runtbot will only manage to push it out of the way on the D6 score of a 4+. On the roll of a 1 -3 the Runtbot is brought to a halt instead. The Runtz themselves have no choice but to move along with the Runtbot. Should the Runtbot start to move uncomfortable fast the Runtz will be dragged along by the force field irrespective of their own movement rate. Unfortunately the Runtbot Force Field is especially prone to malfunction, and this is represented by a special dice test. The generators which provide power for the Runtbot Force Field produce energy in a fairly haphazard manner. While much of this is channelled into the force field, sometimes so much is produced that excess has to be vented off. At other times too little power is produced and the generator must be boosted to cope with the demands placed upon it. All this calls for good judgement because if the generator overloads the Runtbot Force Field will be destroyed. Sometimes it is better for the Runthcrd to shut the force field down for one turn rather than allow it to be destroyed in this way. So, at the start of every turn the Ork player rolls 2D6 to establish the power output for that turn - this number is noted down. In the Ork player’s following turn the player has three options. Option 1 Boost the Energy level. To successfully boost the energy the player must roll 2D6 and score higher than last turn’s 2D6 score. If the player is unsuccessful the generator overloads, the Runtbot is destroyed, and every model within the force field sustains a strength 3 hit. If the player is successful the force field continues to function normally and the number rolled is noted down as the new power output. Option 2 Vent Energy. To successfully vent excess energy the player must roll a 2D6 and score less than last turn’s 2D6 score. If the player is unsuccessful the generator overloads, the Runtbot is destroyed, and every model within the force field sustains a strength 3 hit. If the player is successful the force field continues to function normally and the number rolled is noted down as the new power output. Option 3 Deactivate the Force Field. If the player wishes he can decide to shut down the generator for the turn - this does not require a command and the Runtbot Force Field is immediately deactivated. The player might wish to shut the force field down because he fears it will overload, or he might wish to drop the force field so that the Runtz can leap out and attack their enemy. Once it has been deactivated, the force field generator is safe from overloading, but the Runtz and Runtbot arc unprotected. The force field can be reactivated again at the start of any future turn so long as the Runthcrd is within his 16" control range. As soon as the Runtbot Force Field is reactivated the player rolls 2D6 to establish the new energy level. RUNTBOT BOMB LOBBER The Runtbot is equipped to lob Ork Smoke Stikkbombz which it carries in armoured boxes on cither side of its body. These cannot be used while the force field is in operation, but once the force field is deactivated the Runtbot automatically begins to lob Smoke Stikkbombz in front of itself. This creates a cloud of smoke which hides the Runtz and protects them from enemy fire to some extent. Naturally this isn’t as effective as the force field, but it is better than nothing. Once the force field is deactivated the Runtbot automatically lobs 2 Smoke Stikkbombz per turn. Runtbotz arc built so that they do this without any kind of signal, so it it not necessary to command the Runtbot to lob Stikkbombz. This also means that it is not possible to slop them of course, and the Runtbot will quite happily continue to lob Stikkbombz until its supply runs out. Grenades arc lobbed 3D6” to the Runtbotz from in a random pattern. The diagram below shows how to determine the direction each Stikkbomb takes using 2D6. 6-8 Determine where each grenade lands and place a 2" radius smoke marker (or a circle of cotton wool) over the spot. Each smoke marker lasts for 1 turn, dispersing at the beginning of the Ork player’s following tum. Foot troopers may move through smoke at half their normal movement rate. Vehicles may move through smoke normally but may not tum while covered by the cloud. Smoke blocks line of sight over level ground, although troops on higher ground may see over smoke and may therefore fire at troops beyond it. Space Marines (including Space Marines in Terminator Armour) have special adapted sensory organs which enable them to use sensors inside their helmets to sec through smoke. A Space Marine may therefore draw a line of sight through smoke, but suffers an additional -1 to hit penalty to do so. 94
BAD MOON ARMY LIST BAD MOON RUNTHERDZ Bad Moons arc not noted for the number of their Runtherdz although those they have arc famously rich just like other Bad Moons. Where Boyz Mob/, from other Clans sometimes bring Runtherdz to lake part in the battle. Bad Moons only ever bring Weirdboyz or Nobz. This means that the Warband will only contain a Bad Moon Runlhcrd if he is purchased as part of the Retinue, so there can only ever be one Bad Moon Runlhcrd in the Warband. Fortunately, because they arc so rich, they can train up more Runt weapon crews and bring more special weapons to the baulc than other Runtherdz. A War boss who wants more Runtherdz will have to include Boyz Mobz from either the Snakebite or Death Skull Clans which can bring Runtherdz of their own to the battle. Details of other Clans’ Runtherdz are given in the descriptions under the appropriate Army List. M WS BS S T W I A Ld In! Cl WP RUNTHERD at 15 points 444441317777 WARGEAR: The points value of the Runlhcrd includes this Wargear. FLAK ARMOUR A BOLTGUN or BOLT PISTOL - choose which you want A SUITABLE HAND WEAPON - such as a knife, club, or sword. Runtherdz can have extra gear which they have bought or traded. If the player wants to use this gear then it is generated from the chart below. Choose any chart and randomly generate a bit of equipment for the points indicated. The Runtherd can roll as many times on how many charts as he wants, and he can use whatever equipment he generates, any equipment he docs not want is asumed to be left at home and is ignored. CHART COST PER RANDOM ROLL RANGED WEAPONS S ASSAULT WEAPONS 5 FORCE HELDS IS BIONIK BITZ to ATTENDANTS: A Runlhcrd may have unlimited non-combatant Grclchin and Snolling servants, musicians, squig-handlcrs, apprentices and banner boyz at no extra points. 11ERDZ: The Bad Moon Runtherd may be accompanied by a Herd of either Snotlings or Gretchin. A Grclchin Herd consists of any number of Gretchin models, each armed with hand weapons and a shield at 3 points each. A Snolling Herd consists of any number of Snolling bases at a cost of 15 points per base. M WS BS S T w I A Ld Int Cl WP GRETCHIN 3 points 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 5 5 5 5 SNOTUNG BASE 15 points 4 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 An entire Snolling herd may be armed with spore weapons at a cost of 5 points per base. Spore weapons arc special fungi and moulds which do not affect Orks, Grclchin or Snotlings. but which arc deadly to other races. Snotlings armed with spore weapons add +D6 to their Strength in hand-to-hand combat. Determine this bonus each round. A Herd may be accomanicd by a Runibot equipped with a Runtbot Force Field. The Runtbot costs 50 points. RUNTBOT 50 points M WS BS 4 4 6 W 5 A SAVE 1 3+ ODDBITZ: A Bad Moon Runtherd entitles you to buy two Oddbits chosen from the list in the Oddbitz section and paid for at the costs shown. Oddbitz arc always some kind of large weapon with a crew of Runtz trained by the Runtherd. 70 AKTHBau


1 Jt 'Ы к.

Orks,Orcs, Орки,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы
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•Waaagh! Grimtoof © Fantasy. Right Games. Product: Only War RPG Core Rulebook Art Director: Andy Christensen. Artist: www.jasonjuta.com

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник ork песочница orcs Orks,Orcs, Орки фэндомы Ork nobz

•Waaagh! Grimtoof © Fantasy. Right Games. Product: Only War RPG Core Rulebook Art Director: Andy Christensen. Artist: www.jasonjuta.com