Farseers :: Craftworld Eldar (Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники) :: Harlequin :: Wh News :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: eldrad ulthran :: фэндомы

Harlequin Farseers Craftworld Eldar Wh News eldrad ulthran ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

w:zTtn'h‘'"‘hk you to use your Eldar miniatures in games of In addition, it presents a new Eldar FormathU”*1 ^y°U’U "eed '° fic'd them on theШе,0Р- This sec tion details several named units. You can use these as part ol any Unbound or Battle-forged army using the following rules. Faction and

Eldrad UUhrnn. High Farseer of Craftuorld l 'Ithwe, has lived for over ten thousand years, during which hr has guided his people through the Fall of the Eldar and the rise of the Imperium. The ripples of fate that he has set in motion hair changed the face of the galaxy, though many are hidden.

Harlequin,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Farseers,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,Wh News,eldrad ulthran

1 m i.mi's Spectre l Writ TYpe Ittlimirv (Character) I'nil ClUUJHWSitUVft 1 (l nupuT WAROEAR: • Holo-suit (pg I*-/) • Shrieker cannon (pg л(>) • Flip licit (pg S7) • Haywire grenades SPECIAL RULES: • Fear • Fleet • Furious Charge • Hit & Run • Independent Character • Precision Shots

"—- 9 . Skyrnmm that orcomfumy Inrum s Sprrtrr to irar arr known at thr lUadn of Fair / A !--------- not enough to bafflr thr trnsrt of the enemy. thr Hladet of f ate arr rumoured unthin thr \tJ, *‘1'Ытг°Р" display of (alsr Cegorruh himxrlf. Whether by an unranny режиме on thr part of thr

Whirling, somersaulting. leaping through the (hitman mist come Ihr players known as Death’s Companions. They have seen ihr darkly shining thread о/ destiny that leads to the Eldar з revenge upon Sbiannh. and will commit literally any art necessary to ensure it. Those who stand in the uvn of their

Ж* COMPANY of the THREEFOLD STRANGER aphn thal Id, thm ,.m,, шиI ,„M n„t, T,'"* Wft **' ..//*««■ u*> /no* up,,,, ,L. /„ thdud^pms a, r„„„H “ Wrannn. W rtmr nW «*<*< «/Zirt Лг uum, “**• **" W"« - '«A»"* "^^217 *“ ' 0/lAUn^ WS BS S T W I А Ы Sv Pb«T 5433 I 6 2 9 - Thc lambent Prince 653527 3

Harlequin,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Farseers,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,Wh News,eldrad ulthran

77., ш of fUqm upon hairs galurlic sUff юШ andtodZa, r,rsrrndo. П, Wr. of lhr striw to shaft* thru own destihx, to ad as conductors t У I . ШгпЛ UUhran The lesser races are vine puppets Шаг rate are .asters in the art of MtheО and its the Та,see, s dance of fate; for 0,1 h,s shadult' а8°ти lhr

w:zTtn'h‘'"‘hk you to use your Eldar miniatures in games of In addition, it presents a new Eldar FormathU”*1 ^y°U’U "eed '° fic'd them on theШе,0Р- This sec tion details several named units. You can use these as part ol any Unbound or Battle-forged army using the following rules. Faction and Allies Eldrad Ulthran has the Eldar Faction, and allies as such as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules. All other models different Factions in the same a. my. Battle Brothers, Dark Eldar. Шаг Armies of the Imperium, allies of С—*** АГГО Tau Empire »^“AUi”i0rk;cbaosD— Come ‘be APO-frr;anidS Marines» * Formations Codex: Harlequins includes several different Formations The datasheets presented in this section can be included in many of these as follows: • Inriams Spectre can be included in any Harlequins Formation that lists ‘DeathJester’as part <>/ its composition. Inriam's Spectre replaces one Death Jester. Stranger can be inch сошрдаШоп. Each replaces rSSHST— . тье ** 'i
Eldrad UUhrnn. High Farseer of Craftuorld l 'Ithwe, has lived for over ten thousand years, during which hr has guided his people through the Fall of the Eldar and the rise of the Imperium. The ripples of fate that he has set in motion hair changed the face of the galaxy, though many are hidden. Eldrad prevented rtf* t fni/t hil'rsfalion nf bwud Saim-Hann, which would have reduced it to rotting mulch. He has thwarted the malefic works of the Necnm dynasties and slopfrd the Days of Blood from coming to (miss. His psychic might has broken Titans, turned Daemons to ash and slain kings and heriKS without number. Eldrad's aging body is slowly turning to psychic crystal, yet he cannot rest. As the fate of the galaxy teeters on the brink, his haul-won experiences show that the lesser races are only making the threat of Chaos worse. If the Eldar are to weather the coming storm, their greatest Earseer must fight on with nxry weapon and strategy at his disposal. EJdrjui Ulthran WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 5 5 5 4 S 5 | Ю - Unit Type infantry (Character) Unit Composition I (Unique) WARGEAR: • Shurikcn pistol (pg 36) • Witchblide •Ghosthclm (pg 37) WARLORD TRAIT. An Eve on Distant Events: Choose np to D3 units in vour army. These units gain thr Scout special rule. SPECIAL RULES: • 1—• •utlr to*) • Independent Character • Psyker (Mastery Level 4) Runes of the Farsccr: Once in each Psychic phase. F.ldrad can rc-roll any number of dice uvd in a single Deny the Witch test or Psychic test (potentially negating perils of thr Warp). PSYKER: Eldrad Ulthran generates his Rune, of Fate (pg 58) and Telepathy disci pi powers from the Daemonology (Sanctic). Divina lion. tncs. REMNANTS OF GLORY Staff of Ulthamar: This ancient force staff forms a hyperspatml link with Ullhwr's infinity circuit. AP User 2>pl Melee. Spiritlink. Flesh bane. Force Spiritlink: Whenever Eldrad Ulthran successfully passes a Psychic test, roll a Do. On a score of 5 or 6 he immediately generates a Warp Charge point. Armour of the Last Runes: The fml terns on Eldrad's breastfdote are powerful wards again The Armout of the I.ast Runes confers a 3- invulnerable save.

1 m i.mi's Spectre l Writ TYpe Ittlimirv (Character) I'nil ClUUJHWSitUVft 1 (l nupuT WAROEAR: • Holo-suit (pg I*-/) • Shrieker cannon (pg л(>) • Flip licit (pg S7) • Haywire grenades SPECIAL RULES: • Fear • Fleet • Furious Charge • Hit & Run • Independent Character • Precision Shots • Shrouded '* N‘" u»« ">■« *«№■>* o. UU..V ,<»,Ml,irS (nun ,b,s Ш.НИЧ Mn,k,„ ,hm„8 .hr phi»,- nmsi ukr , ........ hr, к ,hr .-ml ... ,tu, I’1'1'1 m'nlll','"lMIS 1 ■'•«Iri-ship. jus..» it i( h.Hl suttnra S-. , Itu". ll ibi. 11-u-hMi'JP M ,.";rU'i 8,"",,,,m"R 1 ...... "«• >'»wuo„ ,h.„ .hr r„nm ,m« K.,U. b,:1^ - ........ ,o K,u ,u k m -..............- -.......
"—- 9 . Skyrnmm that orcomfumy Inrum s Sprrtrr to irar arr known at thr lUadn of Fair / A !--------- not enough to bafflr thr trnsrt of the enemy. thr Hladet of f ate arr rumoured unthin thr \tJ, *‘1'Ытг°Р" display of (alsr Cegorruh himxrlf. Whether by an unranny режиме on thr part of thr l/arlraumt AeJjbT* " *** Muini(№ Sorrow to holt! 4 a' " laughing (iod. dnert shots that ought to hair taut thru, lou- mrrrty uxil through th.n an. murhtoZ ion of fate Blade of Faic WS BS S T W I A Ld St L'nli Type » 4 5 4 * 6 5 9 «♦ U-h Corap„,ilion 2 BUdei of Fa.c (Uaiqo,.) WARGEAR: • Holo-suic (pg 37) • Mirage launchers (pg 3") • ZepbyrgUnre (pg 37) _ • Skyweaver jetWke (pg 3/ > SPECIAL RULES: • Fear • Furious Charge • Hit be Run Fortune’s F,.r: Vo., can rr-roll failed jink »„ for modc|j ^ ^
Whirling, somersaulting. leaping through the (hitman mist come Ihr players known as Death’s Companions. They have seen ihr darkly shining thread о/ destiny that leads to the Eldar з revenge upon Sbiannh. and will commit literally any art necessary to ensure it. Those who stand in the uvn of their godslayer's quest are rut down in a whirl of blood and agony. Elegant blades slash throats, shunken weapons launch razored fusillades, and power-wreathed hands reach into chests to still beating hearts. Before tong, the platers step lightly met another audience of unseeing cadavers, dancing towards a goal so grave it could redefine the hue r>( trim™. WS BS S T w 1 A l.d Sv Player 5 A 3 3 1 6 2 9 - Dusk 5 A 3 3 2 6 2 9 • ARGEAR: 3uslc has a shunken pislol (pg 36) and a close •ombat weapon )ne Player has a shuriken pistol (pg 36) and a close ombat weapon fWo Players have a shuriken pistol (pg 36) and a larlequin’s Kiss (pg 37) )nc Player has a neuro disrupter (pg 36) and a larlequin's Caress (pg 37) )ne Player has a shuriken pistol (pg 36) and a Harlequin's aress (pg 37) II models have a holo-suil (pg 37). plasma grenades and ede/ine the fate of trillions. Unit Type Infantry Infantry (< Character) SPECIAL RULES: • Fear • Fleet • Furious Charge • Hit Sc Run Unit Composition 5 Player» I (Unique) The Red Dusk Falls: Model, from Death » Comp........... Run and charge in the same turn. 135 DEATH’S COMPANIONS a flip belt (pg 57)
Ж* COMPANY of the THREEFOLD STRANGER aphn thal Id, thm ,.m,, шиI ,„M n„t, T,'"* Wft **' ..//*««■ u*> /no* up,,,, ,L. /„ thdud^pms a, r„„„H “ Wrannn. W rtmr nW «*<*< «/Zirt Лг uum, “**• **" W"« - '«A»"* "^^217 *“ ' 0/lAUn^ WS BS S T W I А Ы Sv Pb«T 5433 I 6 2 9 - Thc lambent Prince 653527 3 10 - WARGEAR: • The Lambent Prince has a shuriken pistol (pg 36), power sword and haywire grenades • Two Players have a shuriken pistol (pg 36) and a close combat weapon • One Player has a shuriken pistol (pg 36) and a Harlequin’s Kiss (pg 37) • One Player has a neuro disruptor (pg 36) and a close combat weapon • One Player has a neuro disruptor and a Harlequin’s Kiss (рц*“) • All models have a holo-suit (pg 37), plasma grenades and a flip bell (pg 37) Unit Type Unit Composition Infantry 5 Haver* Infantry (Character) l (Unique) SPECIAL RULES: • Fear • Fleet • Furious Charge • Hit & Run The Red Moon Rises: Model* from the Company Threefold Stranger can Run and shoot in dt« s'""

77., ш of fUqm upon hairs galurlic sUff юШ andtodZa, r,rsrrndo. П, Wr. of lhr striw to shaft* thru own destihx, to ad as conductors t У I . ШгпЛ UUhran The lesser races are vine puppets Шаг rate are .asters in the art of MtheО and its the Та,see, s dance of fate; for 0,1 h,s shadult' а8°ти lhr bnl,!ul ' 5f toning fours upon the moon of Coheria. these visionary Шаг proved a devast a nog thru mirth, they f ight for the most serums stakes of alij gj ^ m<msters that lurk in the shadows of existence, combination, one sleft ahead of not only those who wa . FORMATION: • Eldrad Ulthran (pg 29) • Death’s Companions (pg 30) • Company of the Threefold Stranger (pg 31 > • Int iatn’s Spectre (pg 32) • 1 he Blades of Fate (pg 33) • l hr Serpent’s Breath (pg 34) * RESTRICTIONS: * f None. SPECIAL RULES: Ephemeral Phantasms: Each lime a model from the Cohenan Host suffers an unsaved Wound, roll a dice. On the roll of a 6. the model was merely an after-image of the real target and the Wound is ignored. The Power of a Trillion Souls: Such is the tremendous power being wielded by the High Farseer that he can siphon off a fraction of its incalculable energies towaids his own survival. Eldrad Ulthnin has the Eternal Warrior special rule.
Harlequin,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Farseers,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,Wh News,eldrad ulthran
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Ш иЦАпут ,,/*,« Гп,Л fnlartlr tlage win,I а»,I ,wnl. тиф! in Ih, итры «fib Tim. nff^ng. Yn ,mahnn, .W£ »«. Mm L..............................*•*«**■* “ - rj? """""''» ' "W".......................................„„ M,,4btnyn.» MW,,—', ........ ,f ....a „ ,w™, ,,.m agalml Ihf beltfulJmn «) thr pdn

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник фэндомы eldrad ulthran Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники Harlequin Wh News

Ш иЦАпут ,,/*,« Гп,Л fnlartlr tlage win,I а»,I ,wnl. тиф! in Ih, итры «fib Tim. nff^ng. Yn ,mahnn, .W£ »«. Mm L..............................*•*«**■* “ - rj? """""''» ' "W".......................................„„ M,,4btnyn.» MW,,—', ........ ,f ....a „ ,w™, ,,.m agalml Ihf beltfulJmn «) thr pdn
FORCES DF THE ELDAR This section of the book presents several new datasheets that enable you to use vour Udar miniatures in ^mes of Warhaimner 40.000, along with all of the wargear profiles and special rules you’ll need to field them on the tabletop. In addition, it presents a new Eldar Form

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник Wh Песочница фэндомы Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники Harlequin Wh News Death Jester eldrad ulthran удалённое

FORCES DF THE ELDAR This section of the book presents several new datasheets that enable you to use vour Udar miniatures in ^mes of Warhaimner 40.000, along with all of the wargear profiles and special rules you’ll need to field them on the tabletop. In addition, it presents a new Eldar Form