эти Х-образные ножки, ну как такое может внушать чтото кроме смеха?
Тяжёлый наверное...
Почему то напомнило
Гнусавым: "И восстали машины из пепла ядерного огня"
Там не было криков за дверью, это псайкер кричал, что бы вернули отряд обратно немедленно "Return them immidiatly". Вот здесь комментатор довольно правдоподобно рассуждает:
After the transmitters were installed on the new orb(orb 2), the psychic inhibiting contraption on the captive orb(orb 1) was deactivated, allowing orb 1 to awaken and initiate communications with orb 2. The inquisitorial psyker is able to eavesdrop on their conversation, catching this:

orb 1: Who is here?
orb 2: I have failed, brother. We have all failed.
orb 1: The astartes deny our touch. You must return. Break your seal.
orb 2: That's impossible. We'll never survive.
orb 1: You must. Take the alpha.
Inquisitorial psyker: Return them immediately!

The psyker removes his attention from the orbs to warn the veteran sergeant, who calls for the kill team's extraction. Unfortunately, this gave an opening for orb 1 to attack him.

orb 1: At last, you are mine.

The orb then overloads both the psychic inhibitors and the psyker. At this point, the psyker is still battling the orb, but it quickly becomes a losing battle.

Inquisitorial psyker: Go. It is taking hold, but, remember, he said that the warp tainted would receive the Emperor's hand.
Possessed psyker: Ji no cressell.

The psyker seems to lose all control and is exposed to raw warp energy(the blue light). The veterans spare no time in removing the danger.
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