Нет,ты про техножрецов знаешь по мемам? Они отлично разбираются в фундаментальных науках, в математике и многом другом,что рядом таусня грустно выглядит.
"He waved at the air, as if he were clutching as things only he could perceive. ‘Layers of data etched into the atmosphere itself. Quantum shift matrices, electromagnetically-encoded mnemonics, gardens of exotic particles singing in symphony…’ Tegas described a slow pirouette, folding in his limbs to prayer poses. ‘Is this what they perceive all the time, I wonder? It is like swimming in an ocean of data, one within another within another within another within another–’
If Ferren’s data was correct, if his interpretations were sound, it seemed to suggest that the scroll-device was operating in discontinuous phase with the rest of space-time. It was acting through quantum linkages to gain access to instrumentality at levels undreamed of in Imperial computational devices. Information, stored in the very structure of subatomic particles. An infinity of facts, entire histories encoded within it; and most amazingly, all this on something that might be a trivial gewgaw to the beings who had manufactured it. Tegas was excited and agitated in equal measure. The thrilling possibility of the device’s library was compelling, but he chafed at the thought of how hard it would be to interpret it. It would not be just a life’s work, but several lives."
"Crowl had often reflected on this, when inclined to consider the limitations of the institution he served. In some ways, only the blindest of fools could fail to see that much that had once been pristine and powerful had degraded over time, falling in disuse and disrepair. In other respects, the Imperium’s power had never been greater, not even during the fabled ages long past. Where its mechanical inventiveness had long since faded, its biological prowess had remained dazzlingly proficient. A man with sufficient coin could extend his life beyond the dreams of ancient humankind. A woman with enough power could maintain her health even within the thickest of toxic smogs. Humanity might have forgotten much, but it could still manipulate cells and tweak synapses, tug at chromosomes and splice limbic systems.
The reliance on the mortal, on flesh over silicon, was not, like so much else, simply a product of desperation. It was more of an aesthetic choice, born out of long and deep-held antipathies. The human mind, whether psychic or no, had capabilities that no cogitator had ever truly matched, and if that power were combined with the dark arts of the neuropath and the chirurgeon-philosophical, then the potentialities were virtually limitless. The Navigator, the savant, the Space Marine, the sanctioned psyker – all of these opened doors and performed functions well in excess of any unaugmented mortal mind. In a galaxy of extraordinary fecundity, where a billion billion lives began every moment, stringent utilisation of the biological made a perfect, if typically ruthless, sense. Effective cogitator STCs were rare; brain-tissue ripe for surgical extension was as common as dirt."
Там чуть ли не каждое столетие рождают новые корабли для разных задач. В 33 тысячелетии они создали вечный двигатель,что ставит механикум уже выше всяких тау, в 32 тысячелетии создали машину чтец Акаши суперкомпьютер который умеет качать инфу с прошлого,настоящего и будущего, что в теории могло бы возвысить механикус выше некров, 40 тысячилетии создали бомбы реальности которые должны были сработать как антиварпштормовая бомба и воспользовались на оке ужаса, и в чем то она сработала, что уже шлет эльдаров нахуй. И все выше перечисленное чистые разработки механикум без всяких СШК, Механикум может делать такое, что многие охуеют. Но ГВ выгодно такая чухня, как и вечные предательства некров друг другу во время нападения других, как и вечно вымирающие эльдары, как и вечно спасаемые судьбой таусня
ну вообще таусятина спокойно живет на своих планетах,люди так же живут и про предателях знают со слов церковников,эльдары так же тихо мирно в мирах кораблях.
когда они хотят то это хорошо,а когда наши бабы хотят их то они чертовы таусятские чернильницы. А зачем из людей делать дипломатов? Последний раз когда я про такое читал, это было в сломанном мече когда брали агрелан. Там человек был защитником касты воды и нужен был в лучшем случае просто примером
так надо было читать лор, что все эльдары ебанутые
Нет,ты про техножрецов знаешь по мемам? Они отлично разбираются в фундаментальных науках, в математике и многом другом,что рядом таусня грустно выглядит.
"He waved at the air, as if he were clutching as things only he could perceive. ‘Layers of data etched into the atmosphere itself. Quantum shift matrices, electromagnetically-encoded mnemonics, gardens of exotic particles singing in symphony…’ Tegas described a slow pirouette, folding in his limbs to prayer poses. ‘Is this what they perceive all the time, I wonder? It is like swimming in an ocean of data, one within another within another within another within another–’
If Ferren’s data was correct, if his interpretations were sound, it seemed to suggest that the scroll-device was operating in discontinuous phase with the rest of space-time. It was acting through quantum linkages to gain access to instrumentality at levels undreamed of in Imperial computational devices. Information, stored in the very structure of subatomic particles. An infinity of facts, entire histories encoded within it; and most amazingly, all this on something that might be a trivial gewgaw to the beings who had manufactured it. Tegas was excited and agitated in equal measure. The thrilling possibility of the device’s library was compelling, but he chafed at the thought of how hard it would be to interpret it. It would not be just a life’s work, but several lives."
"Crowl had often reflected on this, when inclined to consider the limitations of the institution he served. In some ways, only the blindest of fools could fail to see that much that had once been pristine and powerful had degraded over time, falling in disuse and disrepair. In other respects, the Imperium’s power had never been greater, not even during the fabled ages long past. Where its mechanical inventiveness had long since faded, its biological prowess had remained dazzlingly proficient. A man with sufficient coin could extend his life beyond the dreams of ancient humankind. A woman with enough power could maintain her health even within the thickest of toxic smogs. Humanity might have forgotten much, but it could still manipulate cells and tweak synapses, tug at chromosomes and splice limbic systems.
The reliance on the mortal, on flesh over silicon, was not, like so much else, simply a product of desperation. It was more of an aesthetic choice, born out of long and deep-held antipathies. The human mind, whether psychic or no, had capabilities that no cogitator had ever truly matched, and if that power were combined with the dark arts of the neuropath and the chirurgeon-philosophical, then the potentialities were virtually limitless. The Navigator, the savant, the Space Marine, the sanctioned psyker – all of these opened doors and performed functions well in excess of any unaugmented mortal mind. In a galaxy of extraordinary fecundity, where a billion billion lives began every moment, stringent utilisation of the biological made a perfect, if typically ruthless, sense. Effective cogitator STCs were rare; brain-tissue ripe for surgical extension was as common as dirt."
Там чуть ли не каждое столетие рождают новые корабли для разных задач. В 33 тысячелетии они создали вечный двигатель,что ставит механикум уже выше всяких тау, в 32 тысячелетии создали машину чтец Акаши суперкомпьютер который умеет качать инфу с прошлого,настоящего и будущего, что в теории могло бы возвысить механикус выше некров, 40 тысячилетии создали бомбы реальности которые должны были сработать как антиварпштормовая бомба и воспользовались на оке ужаса, и в чем то она сработала, что уже шлет эльдаров нахуй. И все выше перечисленное чистые разработки механикум без всяких СШК, Механикум может делать такое, что многие охуеют. Но ГВ выгодно такая чухня, как и вечные предательства некров друг другу во время нападения других, как и вечно вымирающие эльдары, как и вечно спасаемые судьбой таусня
ну вообще таусятина спокойно живет на своих планетах,люди так же живут и про предателях знают со слов церковников,эльдары так же тихо мирно в мирах кораблях.
Звучит подозрительно знакома, ты с какого ваахга
лучший казах
когда они хотят то это хорошо,а когда наши бабы хотят их то они чертовы таусятские чернильницы. А зачем из людей делать дипломатов? Последний раз когда я про такое читал, это было в сломанном мече когда брали агрелан. Там человек был защитником касты воды и нужен был в лучшем случае просто примером
женщина наверное думает,что женка императора очень бедная
Он знает рецепт бабушкиного супа
Где же мощь одиннадцати стволов когда они так нужны