Special thanks to NicholasKay for some seriously great work on my first ever Warhammer 40k concept. As a disclaimer, I’m not too informed about the Warhammer lore so if my description of this Chapter down below is contradictory or heretical, I understand but I’m just having some fun with an idea of my own.


The Astartes of the Saber Teeth chapter are a semi-codex complacent and distantly related chapter of the Space Wolves. The Chapter Master, Leo Pallidonte, felt something was lacking within the Wolves that he was unable to determine for quite some time. During a mission to push back a Tyranid swarm on the planet of Felidaent, he finally realized what was missing. The mission was a success with a vast majority of the planet’s life forms and the human colony there remaining untouched by the xenos. What Leo realized in his fight with the Tyranids was the need for the Astartes to rapidly evolve to combat the enemies of humanity.

Through means that are not terribly clear, Leo was able to form his own chapter he named the Saber Teeth, a name derived from the species of long toothed cats that patrolled the jungles of the planet, which in turn were often made pets to members of this chapter. The chapter itself believes in only three pinnacle things:
1) Humans are the top of the food chain. The emperor and the imperium of man are what will remain as the dominant life of the galaxy.
2) Strength comes from adapting. If your bolter fails, use your fist.
3) Dying to a xeno is unacceptable. If you are to die, it is by human hands only.

This has led to some rather interesting cultural behavior within the chapter. Firstly, they often have bare knuckle brawls in fighting pits on their home world as a past-time activity. This has been noted as a way to decide personal standing amidst the brothers in the squad but not actual rank. Second, by order of the chapter master, research into Tyranids is a high priority. This has resulted in this chapter being closely associated with the Magos Biologis and the Inquisition. It is rather common to see an Inquisitor within the ranks of a squad as to make sure they abide by imperial standard.

The final thing of note is the unexpected and quite possibly war altering event of finding a Tyranid-human hybrid psyker that was named Zen. During a routine patrol, a Tyranids swarm was seen attacking an Ork war band as it attempted an attack on a hive city. The Sabers were confused but still set up a defensive perimeter around the city behind the Tyranid line. Leo was there personally and found this behavior quite interesting. The battle between the xenos stopped with the nids winning by a great deal. Then they did nothing but sit down.

A moment later, a young man approached Leo. He looked like any other young man but on closer inspection, the parts around his shoulders and the side of his head that gave him away as a hybrid. He explained that he controls that swarm out there and he wants to help the Astartes. Obviously the inquisitor on hand was demanding this heretical thing be killed but Leo calmly explained that this is a blessing in disguise. Using the nids as a shock force before the Astartes greatly increases their success rate and they as xenos are expendable. The exact conversation was more in-depth but the end result was Zen being accepted into the chapter as more or less a hostage but a willing one.

As of now, the Saber Teeth chapter is a hybrid unit, consisting of Adeptus Astartes, Inquisition, Machanicus, a powerful psycher and a swarm of Tyranids. It’s easy to say that this group often fights Tyranids as Zen is able to increase the ranks of his swarm with each victory, further adding to the chapter’s strength.


1st- Tigers- Mobile Infantry
2nd- Lions- Heavy Weapons unit
3rd- Jaguars- Cavalry
4th- Panthers- Apothecary/Rearguard
5th- Cheetahs- Air Support
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