Adeptus Mechanicus (Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус) :: Wh Песочница :: Imperium (Империум) :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: фэндомы

Adeptus Mechanicus Imperium Wh Песочница ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

onagekjju^crAWlers ™
—~I rot\r$
id ft
0* to thnr WUl\Ur% ktgk abate.
’■'"«u Uti ,i,nmaU thtfo* of the SkUarii shikt rknnrAltn^great nxahn ofbarJsfsid infc .,M |1 rru2tti' ^¿ken flank to unr m long columns that stalk foneards in uncanny unite*. clambering owr shattered ruins h tk,u' "*** tt/3W

=■=“ . .1
2 Troops
I) Troops
1 Elites
2 Fast Attack
•I I Icavy .Support 1 Fortification
All units in this Detachment must have the Skitarii Faction (or have no Faction).

Súanan Kuitualkfty are stick-thin assassins driven lo a biller murder last In the mutílalo■ the Astra Minimum due to the shinning, blurring appearance of then transonic uvw/wmv K-. speed and fight with a frantic energy, (hie who uitnexses a fiack of these intlol limbed

Jl", kux ndtySitmvm InfiUntan will find themselves buffeted //> the waves of neurostatie these grmgledtmbed stalkers broadcast before them J:Kr.r agAf. their hearing. even their seme of smellsuch victims are easy targets for the compact tools the Infiltrators use in their

5 »Я
Burst Pistol, Shred
:• with this special rule fires five shots
■ -erwise treated as a Pistol.
B*r* Tt»«’ fra*' ¿o*' • •
Range IS'	S 4	AP	Type Assault 3
Range de	S ♦1	AP 5	Type Melee. Transonic
.'Г	User	5	Melee. Transonic
	User	s”	Melee. Molecular Dissonance.

 	RELEASED:	11/0Q/15
<f ’\j src m°tf*>rWlse- these products oro oil available to pro order from 4 April 7 i	m	11 April. F'nd out more about this week's new releases on
txtgei s i 7 of this issue
$ data
The Adeptus Mschantcus's most

onagekjju^crAWlers ™ —~I rot\r$ id ft 0* to thnr WUl\Ur% ktgk abate. ’■'"«u Uti ,i,nmaU thtfo* of the SkUarii shikt rknnrAltn^great nxahn ofbarJsfsid infc .,M |1 rru2tti' ^¿ken flank to unr m long columns that stalk foneards in uncanny unite*. clambering owr shattered ruins h tk,u' "*** tt/3W unthout breaking stnde The enemies of the Cut Steckantms haiegood reason tofear the Ihmecmxier. ^ ' onuue monitrn are ferret ted by merbspfnng emanatus forre field*. and hear same of the mast esoteric and destructor tank-portable i. .‘r‘n l*thhnetfi ran devue. When battle u yenned the (Hager IhtneejasAers fan out to form a gun ¿me and. vrtk each devastating "ffxmer. fame the iupremary of the Omns ink s legions bey «mrr Du cm-« ral>U*, f Armour ) *S HS S F S K * i 3 \2 \2 II I A HP ? I 3 tart T»pf Vdikk iWallm I flic Compotiiioa l Ofuerr Dutuxrattirr
SKITARII MANIPLE HEAVY SUffOftr =■=“ . .1 TROOPS FORTIFICATION Compulsory 2 Troops Optional I) Troops 1 Elites 2 Fast Attack •I I Icavy .Support 1 Fortification RESTRICTIONS: All units in this Detachment must have the Skitarii Faction (or have no Faction). COM MAN I) BENEFITS: Crux Mcchanicus: If this Detachment is your Primary Detachment, you can re-roll the result when rolling on the Warlord Trails table in Codex: Skitarii. Furthermore, your Warlord has the Preferred Enemy Tireless Advance: All models from this Detachim n: have the Crusader and Scout special rules. Units from this Detachment cannot Outflank due to tlm rule, hut can do as the result of a different special ml (such as Infiltrate, or a Mission special rule). PXi.iYlll
•“OINT* SíCARIAN RUS Súanan Kuitualkfty are stick-thin assassins driven lo a biller murder last In the mutílalo■ the Astra Minimum due to the shinning, blurring appearance of then transonic uvw/wmv K-. speed and fight with a frantic energy, (hie who uitnexses a fiack of these intlol limbed killers at: . amour or layered eeramite with transonic shrieks. A /*,. heartbeats later, their enemies suddmh u shdntn of blood as the keening blades of the Ruststalkers locate the otvu>ut\ resonant frrsfuenn ... : • to tnr sirutl/rr Of left/Id at daunting < raw from carapace A limit from limb in Sicarian RuMM.ilkci Riuutalket Pnncq* WS RS S I 4 4 4 4 4 WARC.KAR: • Sic jrian haute armour • Transonic razor •Chordclaw • Mindscramblcr grenades SPEC IA1 RULES • Bulks • Doctrina Imperatives • Dunevtrider • Feel No Pain • Furious Charge A l.d Sv 2 S 4* 3 9 4-* ------------------ Unit Type lufantrs Inlanti\ (Character (nit ( «imposition I Skarian Rust stalker* 1 Kuvutalkrr Princrp* OPTION'S: talkc. 1 nnceps may take ¿tenis from the Special lv»ue Wargear and Relics of Mans lists. • . C ^lu<* maV replace their transonic razors. choiclclaws and 4 chordclaJ' PnnCCpS Wi,h ,Wo ‘ransonk blades tnav also take 1 »Walker Princeps mas take a prehens,le dataspike ............. ¡Of*
sICARIAN INFlUTRA^rr Jl", kux ndtySitmvm InfiUntan will find themselves buffeted //> the waves of neurostatie these grmgledtmbed stalkers broadcast before them J:Kr.r agAf. their hearing. even their seme of smellsuch victims are easy targets for the compact tools the Infiltrators use in their deadly Shs-Jdthe initial salvo ftorn flechette blaster or slubcarbine not prove sufficient, these merciless killers unit dart in to finish the job in close MtesdJ tien <: tattle' ready squad of Chaos Space Marines, struggling to pierce the veil of confusion, mil find themselves reeling from stubcaihine tt&l, arcinoit offleehettes - and moments later, beset by coruscating pouer swords or laser goads that crackle brightly with killing force r~ I 5tamn Infiltrator I lofihrttor Prmcep* WS BS 4 4 4 4 \RGL\R: carian battle armour ubearbinc kvrsword CIAL RULES: ky frina imperatives Minder No Pain rate h \V 2 2 A I.d Sv 2 8 4*- 3 9 I- —oo- —- Unit Type Infamry Infantt v (Character! Unit Composition 4 Sicilian Infiltrators 1 Infiltrator Pnnccps Neurostatie Aura: All enemy models within 6" of one or more models with this special rule subtract I from their Weapon Skill. Ballistic Skill. Initiative and Leadership OPTIONS; • May includ< •The InfiLr ■ ami Relies j •The entire ^ ; anti power asv • The iitrators.................35pts/m«i Special Issue Wargear 'cr goads................-....i 10 WHITE DWARF
5 »Я Range 12' AP Type Burst Pistol, Shred :• with this special rule fires five shots ■ -erwise treated as a Pistol. B*r* Tt»«’ fra*' ¿o*' • • Range IS' S 4 AP Type Assault 3 Range de S ♦1 AP 5 Type Melee. Transonic .'Г User 5 Melee. Transonic User s” Melee. Molecular Dissonance. Transonic n-ssonance: When a model equipped with a vicJecc ^ cIose combat attacks, one of its Att; Attacks .. . - ’ e attack i roll this Attack separately). A has the Fleshbane special rule. - *<onic A hen making an attack with a weapon that has \ , e any To Wound rolls of 6 will automatically . ’ -2-£et regardless of its Toughness. In addition. round of a close combat any To Wound rolls ' :V-esc ved at AP2 During all subsequent rounds of a ' -tar a wounds are resolved at AP2. rua шв laser goad Range S +2 AP Type Melee. Taser laser hen making an attack with a weapon that has this fee:n ve a To Hit roll of a 6 causes 2 additional hits on the target GRENADES S li'-ii- Ruststalkers are equipped with mindscrambler grenades harbouring the egg-sac of a Cthellan e ecrrogenesss squid When detonated, the resultant surge b'.velectricity causes heavy neural trauma in living creatures and artificial sentiences alike. Shooting Wjen a unit armed with mindscrambler grenades makes a snooting attack, one model can choose to throw a grenade. лег than using another shooting weapon. Mindscrambler Grenades Range 8“ S X AP 4 Type Assault I. Blast. Haywire. Neural Trauma rS,Jrau*a: Hits caused by a weapon with this special ays cause a Wound on a To Wound roll of 4+ Assault Models suff/.r »h„ pP?d wi,h mindscrambler grenades don’t fhrouch y 10 l^elr Initiative f°r charging enemies "cult terrain, but fight at their normal Initiative 'Леп used Ir, *Muh ;3 following profile nascramblcr grenades have the Mindscrambler RO"ee ? Ap Type Grenades 3 4 Haywire COMUERSION FIELD end of a'phase^Ivwhich the beinvu,ncrable «ve At the invulnerable saves granted hwEf Г passes one or mofe within D6" of the bearer mlt , ? conversion Held, all units a weapon with the Blind ?S **thcy had been hit by re-roll this test. special rule. Friendly units can DIGITAL WEAPONS refractor field A refractor field confers a 5+ invulnerable save PREHENSILE DATASPIKE _ . „ Ran«e S AP Type Prehensile - User 5 Melee. Dataspike Dataspike. Haywire. Specialist Weapon Dataspike: When a model equipped with a weapon that has this special rule makes Melee attacks, it makes an additional attack with this weapon at the Initiative 10 step. This does not grant the model an additional Pile In move. SICARIAN BATTLE ARMOUR Sicarian battle armour confers a 4+ Armour Save and a 6+ invulnerable save. INFOSLAUE SKULL A model equipped with an infoslave skull adds I to its Leadership and gains the Acute Senses special rule. UIARGEAR LIST SPECIAL ISSUE UIARGEAR A model may take any of the following: - Refractor field.................................. j0 p - Conversion field1.................................jQ ts - Digital weapons ................................. •May not be taken by a model equipped with a refractor Held SPECIAL RULES Runs and when it makes charge moves.
PRE-ORDER: HOW RELEASED: 11/0Q/15 <f ’\j src m°tf*>rWlse- these products oro oil available to pro order from 4 April 7 i m 11 April. F'nd out more about this week's new releases on txtgei s i 7 of this issue US $ data 10 16 18 ADEPTUS mECHANlCUS SICORIANS The Adeptus Mschantcus's most horrifying killers suddenly appear! £28. £36. 280dkr. 340skr. 3Wnkr. 130A USA $36. Can $55. AU $78. NZ$92. 280rmb. ¥6.400 CODEX: SKITARII The Skitahi Legions in their own brand new Codex1 £20. £26. 200dkr. 240skr. 220nkr. tOOd USA $33. Can $40. AU$48. NZ$57. 200rmb. ¥4.500 datacards: skitarii AuailaDie uinne stocxs last 6 Doctrine Imperative cards and 36 Tactical Objective cards £7.50. СЮ. 75dkr, 95skr. 85nkr. 37.5021. USA $12.50, Can $15. AU$16. NZ$19. 75rmb. ¥1.450 codex: skitarii rustalker EDITION online only From the vaults of Mars, this very special, strictly limited edition.. £100. €130. I.OOOdkr. 1.200skr. 1. lOOnkr. 50021. USA $165. Can $200. AU$180. NZ$215. I.OOOrmb. ¥16.000 CODEX: SKITARII DIGITAL EDITION Available in eBook and iBook editions See vz/Av blackhbrary com/games-workshop-digital-editions for ebook ADEPTUS MECHANlCUS: SKITARIUS By Bob Sanders H£15.'mu Mr! 175skr. 175nkr. 74.95zl. USA $24. Can $25. AU$27. NZ$31. 120fmb ¥1 750 Also available as an eBook See wwwblacklibrarycom for prices and details. ADEPTUS mECHANlCUS: SKITARIUS FIRST EDITION Online only By Rob Sanders Hardback. 224 pages ¡j £25. €30. USA $40. Can $40. AU $45
Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Imperium,Империум,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы
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2 трупсы минимум - гениально...
Hardmild Hardmild 03.04.201519:44 ответить ссылка 0.0
тоже первое что в глаза бросилось.
мне вот в глаза бросилось отсутствие HQ
Dr.KoT Dr.KoT 03.04.201520:27 ответить ссылка 1.1
Новая мода GW... У арлекинов HQ тоже нет
Какие же охуенные миньки...
Hello Hello 03.04.201519:59 ответить ссылка 1.6
сикарианцы выглядят в точности так как я представлял скитариев в принципе, как будто ГВ читает мои мысли
Как-то я этих технонидзя недооценил - смотрю на правила, и думаю: "Полом, блджад"
Доктрины хороши)
Какие то звездные войны - убожество, совсем фантазии нет у людей
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Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус Imperium,Империум Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник Wh Песочница фэндомы cosplay Adeptus Mechanicus Imperium warhammer 40000 fandoms Wh sandbox cosplay

01101101 01101 lie 01101001 ошвой 011100110110100 J 01100001 01ШЖ I oooonoi ooooio; 1 É^’.OOOOl OUCU. I 40 not HU"* Ий> |Я N • 1 ) À Щж, лЖ ;!‘:íiol It в > ш ЩВ^Як i к Б itV« ■ I ^LVJ«1 " • >у. ' '.-¿л/ Ч ■* ■' ÄV г "*•■ 7-^vb -л" > w\¿^ -^v—'■ ■
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