Тут от автора небольшое описание к арту и персонажам:
The iron warrior's name is Phyus Ferros.
Once a personal warsmith of perturabo, he fought along side his father in battles such as the siege of Terra and the iron cage.
Due to his unorthodox tactics that differentiate from iron warrior battle doctrines, he won many battles. Such gained both perturabo's respect and animosity. During the the dispute of Iron, he was betrayed by his primarch and was sent fleeing into the warp.
From there on he founded a warband known as the iron hornets and created his own impenetrable world known as the steel hive.

The night lord's name is Bram " Cain "Tepesh.
He was of the few "honorable " night lords within the legion that brought justice down upon the imperium's foes. He often looked to Jago Sevatar as inspiration and often sought his approval. He participated in many bloody battles as well as the siege of Terra. After hearing of Sevatar's fall and witnessing his gene father's beheading by the assassin m'shen, he laid hidden for many years til m34. Rising as a chaos lord, he leads the warband known as the haunter's legacy.
After encountering the carcharodons, he decides to corrupt their chapter and reveal the secrets of their chapter. His goal is to turn them from the light of the imperium and embrace the darkness of their heritage.

Both warriors met during a raid on one of the worlds of the imperium. Despite their ideologies, they developed mutual respect for one another and forged alliance of blood.
Спасиб, успел удалить.
ну поставь минус и иди дальше. Тебя плюсовать кто-то заставляет? Кому-то зашло, кому-то нет. Проблему нашел.
Это японизированная версия сестер автора. Такой ему заказ поступил. Возможно стоит добавить тег crossover?
Думаю сериал: Person of interest.
Прошу прощения. Naruto Anime - теги поставились автоматом, т.к ник косплеера совпал с именем аниме персонажа.
Заявку на удаление подал.
пара close-up'ов, если вдруг кому-то понадобится
Он конечно ебанько, по другому и не скажешь. Но вот часто его просто сми представляют излишне неадекватом.