Наплыв сливов из книги Fracture of the Biel Tan ! / Eldar :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: фэндомы

Eldar ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Наплыв сливов из книги Fracture of the Biel Tan !

*f MM
.....	•••• !»*•» 7 - K*' <IWII t........
,ht V,....... f-. MOM M. «Clilllf»* «•» M.rl. MW»
U*. -..h .... ... ........JT	-P«'1-1
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ll.i..tr ...".I r«.«"-' ", -'1" "I’*'' i“‘ '"U 1
ihrv !»••%*• ifirni.
Artefacts of thk Ynnari
I Mil» with Ill«* VnnaH Fuel

пн югч
One »I ihr tnlkm mg •(itunlun IVIrmlm 0
•	Storni Gtuttllani [Y \
•	\Nm«liuln\ (V )
•	Kinxm (11
•	Dur Л\тпцс1% [\ \
•	КдЬд1иг W.n i iov% (DV.)
•	Wythri (DV \
•	Troupe (11)
One «*1 the following:
•	Howling Banshee» (E)
•	Su iking Scorpion* (K)
•	Fire Dragons (E)

^jAhmb it WimumTMtr- * .. ^ (i'rmijsa:i n tL2d*r: vftKMf *№
JL'io -tun fanmnn» ~ m r *czil iu* Œmpuôar» amr :co:it*L ium.itimp* ami Cszmaai: 3»fnirr:ni- use
iniXciif F.
».milium mus caamt aurm.!1 IriflBg © a»rr c^an uok 0cQdtmeiiL irnrs ¿r:rn i F.rmaorc chae « par* of*a Rentu-i Wartime


---------"" „ .„«Hc.hMHI k-*	*" *M“' T’k...........
.	.	, ihn- «I *»•■*» *••• •••**	.	, „„ ,h. ., .11». •«•».	•"» »K.
"*7,	,u~''
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ü. 1 •••«*• •** '•**" rw#m***
I	I'ih>u«i> r.mm	1
I	II	\\ \m I .....................
f	1
|	I...	«I * 11« lililí ,

V I—rfr
havr been sent on a desperate assaults across the galaxy, Ulthwé
they ran.
a F-iors
5 Elites
4 1 лач «
«. m*' rtw feikmini: units can be included in this ЗплсЬлютг: Bid Guardians Black Guardian Äanc.'-tarrs Black Guardian Vvpcr Squadron,

ikfi	th*	«to **4 fan death, ¡Of Iff many uhiw th , J
^0,^ df' • aited iff this belief body and soul. With their bet t f / P **** * " a,li*nit ^cldari reborn. I'he bladehosts that Jighifoi Ynnrad's leaping l darting with exceptional agility to descend !T" n r.Ur** Set ,n Knm scowls °J

......... .................................«.Mbl
*	‘-' - ih.,1 it,гы tfltlfl I
........... .........
,„тщ......... ,/,.-< Add/	Ml"'" 1,1,1 '""	,	, Z Lift (*..» *»«•««''
,«/». II,../....../......I..........................M/"' "	M	Znnmto M

•m I
ill«**. '*
,1 will» ¿»11*1 lliv/
îe or lilis
\VAR* C>K!>j< V-/r ‘V /‘A ",ul Urtith *' “ 1.01*1 <»* ***’ * '	\	heilOuR inmlut UHHIIIit\
<vn^uum ^ nfr tuflicirti
............ n,>|
<pc* i.»l ml®-
Warden «I


•	1 Far seer (see Codex: Craftworlds)
•	I Shadowseer (see Codex: Harlequins)
•	1 Spiritseer (see Codex: Craftworlds)
•	. W'raithlords (see Codex: Craftworlds)
» iv 3 units chosen from the following Wraithguard (see Codex: Craftworlds) Wraithblades (see Codex:


r* .Vrr
nr яег C r-< oad fadr> {sre
r» teer Guùnc Ü*rk ELùsri

****кз Ы the WirUjck СоиЬь тшЕлПЫ Ч*"М » Wrink Slnunnw#. ,bt

„ )	IZaftiLt. Thrm, «*rn tk, m~sx 4
^ ^ **-*"***»HB
—-- -	*w <rr* im
mi _ dtfir irauS ** **
SPECIAL RIFLES:	- £__ . -	«.

*f MM ..... •••• !»*•» 7 - K*' <IWII t........ ,ht V,....... f-. MOM M. «Clilllf»* «•» M.rl. MW» U*. -..h .... ... ........JT -P«'1-1 .............. ■«.. ........^ 1 „ ll.i..tr ...".I r«.«"-' ", -'1" "I’*'' i“‘ '"U 1 ihrv !»••%*• ifirni. Artefacts of thk Ynnari I Mil» with Ill«* VnnaH Fuel ion «»»¿«I • »M nor mally « hooitc nrms from the Kemiiunt.s of (¿l«>ry. Artefact» <»l (.ru«*lty <»i FniKMi i» «»f ilu* lilac k I.ihrai y can Instead •»<* equipped will» .m \r i<•/..« i «»/ if»«* Yin»..i i (see opposite), a« d«?»cribcd and .ii the />o.ni% cost indicated. Yom era., lake* item» Iron* any/ .*/1 <>/ these lists in ili<* »amt* Detachment, but each model may only have one Much item. Strkncth from Death To thr in nan. thr life fours released by thr newly dr ail are invigorating in thr extreme, rath kill spurring a hurst of activity. ^ Whenever a unit is completely destroyed within 7" of one or more non-vehicle units (hat consist only of models with this special rule, pick one of those units to make a Soulburst action. You cannot pick a unit that is locked in combat. Falling Hack or that has Gone to Ground. A unit making a Soulburst action can do one of the following, even if it lias already done so in this turn: • 7he unit can immediately move as if it were your Movement phase. • The unit can immediately shoot (or Run or Turbo-boost) as if it were your Shooting phase. • I he unit can immediately make a charge move as if it were u,u/ Charge sub-phase (it they do so, enemy units can fire }vcrwatch as if it were your Charge sub-phase). A unit tha makes charge in the FiKlu sub-phase does so at the end of the current Initiative step, and once they have charged be Initiative steps continue to resolve as before (includi ’ or models in the charging unit). A "" °”1r "'*k' * Soulburst anion „„ce pcl , Revenant Psykeks 7 "*** ynmnor o «0 ptychic P<.wWr!rX^r|"|',™('l|Ch‘T ,o ‘hey wish. d‘saplmc (pK |28) if
пн югч One »I ihr tnlkm mg •(itunlun IVIrmlm 0 • Storni Gtuttllani [Y \ • \Nm«liuln\ (V ) • Kinxm (11 • Dur Л\тпцс1% [\ \ • КдЬд1иг W.n i iov% (DV.) • Wythri (DV \ • Troupe (11) ELITES One «*1 the following: • Howling Banshee» (E) • Su iking Scorpion* (K) • Fire Dragons (E) • Wrauhguard (E) • Wrailhbladc* (E) • Inaibi <l)E) • Dcathjcstci (II) • Shadowscer (II) • Solitaire (II) • Black Guardian* (|>k 1SI) • Black Guardian Windridei* (PK 132) • Black Guardian Vypri Squadron (pg IH3) • Black Guardian War Walker» <1>K IM) HQ .«I the «oII*"Mng . i Nr » • fl '.!*< 1 •' 1 , I I . Гг •• s » .M. Vv -I......... -It • i il ■ » |.ih / • 4 • ! • f Ч* » в i • f i » Ma . • i K) • Vlll.ll I I I • Ь »Bail nu lavr (E) • Spin’- E) • An li l)f } »(>>•" ' ihr Archon (OE) •Slim i* (DE) •Lelo) Hi-qierax (DE) 1\ST ATTACK One к! (hr following: • Wave Serpent (E) • Swooping Hawks (E) • Warp Spiders (E) • Shining Spears (E) 'Cnmion Hunters (E) • \'vj»er Squadron (E) • Hemlock Wraith lighter (E) • Beast masters (DE) • Raider (DE) • Venom (DE) • Reavers (DE) •Hellions (DE) • Razonvingjetfighter (DE) • Scourges (DE) • Skyweavers (H) • Star weaver (H) FORMAI U >Ns t lue ut du liilltiwinti • Iriiuin1t.ni III Yiiuead t|.„ IHi •Soulbouud Vaiigiuid ||>ц I.'4i • ArIdiiii Hladeliou (|)ц I'Jli •Ynncad'» Net (pg I ДО) • Whispering t ilnoi Hall Ipg 171) •(•IMIlh.UI B.illlt hml H I • Windlidn I lost (K) •(•Uartllan Slotniho»l (t | • sen i шин il 11- ) • A*pr. i Ib oí (I i • line Avrngri Slirllie 11 I • GrimMHi HeMill it i • Wraith I lost (I ) • Kahallie Hauling l>M) IDI) • ( ецш.пh’* Krsrngf ill) • I hr .Serpent*» Bmod (II) • ('ail ol IM.net» (III • ( 1ЦП1.11 It'* |r*t (II) • I he I In oes’ I'allt (II) • failli Ini'» Blade ill) III AN Y M l*l*i ЖI I hit ot «lu tiillutolMiL • H oi Hi 4|k a« «I i • \aul %\ii«llt «I It*>«ЛГу il • fmk «HU (Il • lili Рмии* (I » • Sl^lil Ч|Й«\Н«П il » • \Nai NN .»li» i% (I \ • NVrmlihkmi il i • RiV4g«i (hl ) • Vttkltmvcii tioiului du i • Vnlllvo .IM i (III
I? IT ^jAhmb it WimumTMtr- * .. ^ (i'rmijsa:i n tL2d*r: vftKMf *№ JL'io -tun fanmnn» ~ m r *czil iu* Œmpuôar» amr :co:it*L ium.itimp* ami Cszmaai: 3»fnirr:ni- use iniXciif F. ».milium mus caamt aurm.!1 IriflBg © a»rr c^an uok 0cQdtmeiiL irnrs ¿r:rn i F.rmaorc chae « par* of*a Rentu-i Wartime jtc an rwrpn>m I~:*rv ««me is »r oi Mi dicrinBan ami ciar Dezichmenc. ami ha*«? ail Tnriirrrf O-nnwid Senenu and tpmai rules If *our A .irinnt is parr of a Formanon or an Army Llu Zncrv that maices up part of a Reborn Vv'arhrwc char enrire Reborn Warhnsr « wur Pnraarv Drachme nr. RESTRICTION'S This Detachment must include at /ra.it one HQ choice and two Troop* choice*. It may include one more HQ choice, up to four more Troop* choice*, up to three Elites choice* up to three Fa*r .Attack choice,, up to three Heavy Support r °n<r i-ordl of VVar choice, and anv number of ,!Z)T" 'Ï”T °n'’ ,h,: da,“h““ '¡»«d here ma» Im included in this Detachment. Cwdrx: Cmftmmiái — "С* Cadiri: Hm&fttèms - H’ CsdazDmdkEUm- DE O'-2 Om ©°-3 O26 O0*3 O0-1
NI \ I N.ANT IUSCII’I INI. ---------"" „ .„«Hc.hMHI k-* *" *M“' T’k........... . . , ihn- «I *»•■*» *••• •••** . , „„ ,h. ., .11». •«•». •"» »K. "*7, ,u~'' A A m mm ü. 1 •••«*• •** '•**" rw#m*** 'i I I'ih>u«i> r.mm 1 I II \\ \m I ..................... f 1 I I | I... «I * 11« lililí , ......... • | | » i . . 1.^1 . . I , .. t. , .1,.,. il, ... «I.. | | " ■ s • • I ' ' ■ 1 ......... | | ‘ ' 1 • ....................................... •••.................... | I * • ' •'••• i...... \‘ . // j j L ___ ___ - I \NI I SIIIK'^ < »MAI I •■•• WaMI* ( llAtM.l /*»*A lA. I*-« •• »A. i*"*** i * •« I M*i *, !•» < mmmfnttt lA. ^»»*n Uilm »A««« . .a,.i »»,«/• unlillhty H.A«..<r I*# .«/V. .</ (Mi /-*«•.*.«| í.nur i* .i hl«*»*lllg itwi *•»»K* <* •* •••« Hill» iioi* tcliu 1« un» »»lililí* I • "hll«l ll»t» |HI*»f| I» III i II. M ili. laigrl mili imIi!» I •«* ll* Wc<*|k»u Nklll l*.«lli*««. m,|| l„in.iiiii- \tia« ki .mil I r.nlri»l»i|» • Immi Initil*» n.,1 ,, i lie Vdam.iiiiinni Wlll »|m*i i.iI luir "» l ’NIlINI» SOI I N.................... WAHI* ( ti mu.i .< /*, . u//#>* .7 <A. ‘ ",li hmli mmil i» K*/» mui.... »A. ^ Iht.uou Kuüku amJ V» /hkiíow. Si**. Ih* mmiA.«i,»w ,y •A— U>///«/ **» cV pr*h*i «nfi «11*1 I*»»/«' <A«*Í \fMiUunl Km>./ //„ l mu» 11* ii» Vnm \u AVahi* CIiiaki.» I /*„• ^u,. a» i*. II A.,/«*«•.»• Í»W «i* Ki/iwW um»A Am *.,4. «•-a, a.hV».»««^ «<»4/ «•• • iA«.Arf .y t/M«i/M/«/ mnp m/wN* ^ J»*»mg Mi««!« nvai #4# 9i0»ng*•# «y *//•»« A% u*.á/y («mu.Ji* * Mi mimk iIi.ii Mfgrf» ilir IS^krr. WliiUi l9u% inmi • i« ni • 11««i ull Iim itdl% 111111% %%lllnn 7" of ihr KiUi !i.m 4 6% lli%%illif ial»lr Mir SliiKMOl \\ IIISI*» NS.............WaRI* OllARCJE I /*.« Am. Am >7 /A. / .,*.* » .. Aii/v» «• fi'innl by ih* VHtti of ihtlt KM..#i. |A/ inmn/4/iiv r///<r# bmJ4$Hght a miuidmiñg trrumdo ék+t •/»•••• m. H.it mtmJ• idmiiA «• «J maitrt of vtnruii \Ut9m of IIAm/v'i i% 4 noia |Mmri hiiIi ilir (olliiwin^ |>ii»hlr: Msngp H Al' IVpr______________________ •> AbmiiIi 2IMi. PiimiiiK. Ipc nr% Onrr tW’OKDOI lili PlfOKNIX ...............WaRI* (ÍHAKtíK 2 ^ A.thhng ift /Ar amwnt tom^us of ih* ArMan u% thry dfuw */« « /A/ HtiKétb* • unrvh, Ihf fí%\krt itíewf» /A/ii /i//k» I4»j/A /A/ -t/iidau. ||//*11.1 r of ihf *>/Aj/u/ fduxhik, U'ho riir* ffi flam* oñtf ¡r 4r ubi** ttU ihi ihvngn \"td if /A/ 1%+him 1« k |n>t lili |Mmn iti.il largru .i liirixlly un mili liu Sin ngih hoin Di .uli iprriul i ule* witliiu I i luí nuil. .ni iiiiiiu rii.urlv fiulr .i Soulbursl .ir i ion -K IJM> i nAiii«/ Wi I* .1 wllrHnrr |MIWI Hiili lili lolkiwtng KaiiRr " ir 4 Al* i'r A%niult9i SmiiIm »i|t •1 Hbnut Saúl* inakr% .i nuiii»H i ol UuiU ri|lliil lo tltft IIUliil •>l inodrU in thr rnrniy uiill. Sonlrrap: II am imnlrU in il»f Uigcl mili au %lalii, oik Irirmll) mili v% uli lile* SliniKlli (rom Uralli %|hh lal Mili v%itliiii 7'' ol llw uviirl mili ma> makr a Sotlllttlitl ai llou li. (ÍA/1 «f VaNN^ AII.....................Wakp ( IIAMl Thr fnykrr'% ry\ biav u*ilh whilt /«rr ai iA#i Inmi fA#woWivi Ol/O #i roro/Ni/ fot thr /nutrí of thriv / oí 1« hítt/ hionumí, i Carf himxrl/ f*rt\ diml\ fmm thr I'iimhm'i o^i i hf f>mf\\r\ ntf Símil líl Hit IHllanl, ir^llll//r%% <»/ (/lili /.il//|> mortal \hirld\. UW /0 lAaV n*Ao #/ffUo Ali (lauoj Yntuad \> .t wiulifirr jiown witli ihr íollowinK piofiU*: KauKr ir S 10 Al» T>|»r 1 AmmuIi 1, lf(imir% ( «in.'i , Imcm .«|Mhtr Im scnpabU". luvuliu’iahlc raiinoi br laVrit .»k. (Iiis |>svi lli( powcr.
V I—rfr havr been sent on a desperate assaults across the galaxy, Ulthwé they ran. П ТН^' Е STRIKE FORCE TUTiN a F-iors OPTIONAL 5 Elites NS: 4 1 лач « «. m*' rtw feikmini: units can be included in this ЗплсЬлютг: Bid Guardians Black Guardian Äanc.'-tarrs Black Guardian Vvpcr Squadron, and Black Guardian Наг t alkers. COMMAND BENEFITS: IWwííOí- Time*. Desperate Measures: \1| units in this Г«геш г пм haw the Stubborn and Preferred Enrim Vs if tbe enrim arms contains anv units f rom -u: Faroons. Otaos Spare Marines. Chaos Harmon Lin and Renegade Knights. 'iiJTTI' си fStb» cor.taim four umt\. it* units can toll fr ir ГVcp Sinkc Resorte from turn 1. 1 кввл) ASÄAl LT ап (шярс*м<1 гяиггЬ oí modrb %»ith ihn special mir hreiqpB Deep Scnàr Irsmn instead of drplofiM I Ar im Ы щяи arm Vila iho arrne ln»m l>rrp l-f toenn àn SlU not 4 2ltrt, but no OHxicl in ihr ax у pta rrf ыЬш 9 Ы am mrtm modrti
 ikfi th* «to **4 fan death, ¡Of Iff many uhiw th , J ^0,^ df' • aited iff this belief body and soul. With their bet t f / P **** * " a,li*nit ^cldari reborn. I'he bladehosts that Jighifoi Ynnrad's leaping l darting with exceptional agility to descend !T" n r.Ur** Set ,n Knm scowls °J determination, they charge into the /toy. fa uhih d> ’ing masques of the webway, or the arenas off' VICtims IU a hurricane of blades. Whether they had from the nrajlworlds, tletdhh etrtgies they' release with each kill movina ^ blade*men havt Earned to harness, and even share, the 4- '*"• ^ “•'/«- - xz zzzzl n .....* M i FORMATION: • L> units of Wyches (see Codex: Dark Eldar) • 2 units of Storm Guardians (see Codex: Craflworlds) or Black Guardians (pg 131) • 2 Troup es (see Codex: Harlequins) SPECIAL RULES: United in Life: If, at the start of Fight sub-phase, two units from this Formation are locked in combat with the same enemy unit, they gain the Hatred special rule until the end of the phase. If three or more units from this Formation arc locked in combat with the same enemy unit at the start of the Fight sub-phase, they also gain the Preferred Enemy special rule until the end of the phase. T 1 r 1 RESTRICTIONS: None. United in Death: Before choosing a unit from this Formation to make a Soulburst action (pg 124), you can declare that the whole Formation is United in Death. If you do so, the Soulburst action you choose applies to all units from the Formation. You may only use this ability once per turn, and only if no unit from this Formation has made a Soulburst action this turn. At
 ГГ....ГГТТТГГ1П1....... ......... .................................«.Mbl * ‘-' - ih.,1 it,гы tfltlfl I ........... ......... ,„тщ......... ,/,.-< Add/ Ml"'" 1,1,1 '"" , , Z Lift (*..» *»«•««'' ,«/». II,../....../......I..........................M/"' " M Znnmto M ...................»........I...........................^ '................. ' /V mitfM /.. /Ап. W»i ................................... .»• Mr» ./.»»/ ..'»M / • > • a â fl i ПЖМАГК >N: • И МММ* MÍ Ml» • b i Mjji I a (|i • Г'»*./#•» ( Ht/iulitJih) • I lililí ni lllfl tllftl (»f« (i*it\ /huit hint) • I lltHf ni U*|i II* a (ai » (Wn h.nk ! !<i,n) RI s Ui U un.vs \tutr, Sl’I.CIAI KUI.K.4: « hoarn Warrlorai Whlli < »mil »мои Mil« bit ими. .i, U loi«,«'*! •» lid Vlaorili 4t»d/of Vvi.uiM 4.1.1 I i., ib. W. .!>..<) SI.Ill ,111.1 IMlIUll« Skill • Ii.h4. n ilall. » <>l ill. in« 1.1.1« III II,41 null I III* III .Mil« .1.1«'« Id >1 III. MM< ill* « Imi 4. I. I Mill « III It,, Vlttf h h hi Vvitiliu*. I III* VlgOlll of (Hall VN III la’ .a Ullll lit »III |I|U loillMllaiti 1% Wlllllll 7 (»I tilia il liai ПИИ 11 a nu 11||% bit llt.ll |a »| |. Ц |м% ||и I in к mi i Imi ца* i.il i tila- ........ ■Лепи t mi«.............. lint I............. ....... J S,M'"..... ........PH ' " •!.. > ........ I , ...... „V i» lirHioyrd, rather than 7‘\
•m I ■■ n* ill«**. '* i «»«* lis ,1 will» ¿»11*1 lliv/ ulrl >ity. îe or lilis a IS » W>\RI-OKP IRAI IS I AHU*; i)6 i \VAR* C>K!>j< V-/r ‘V /‘A ",ul Urtith *' “ 1.01*1 <»* ***’ * ' \ heilOuR inmlut UHHIIIit\ <vn^uum ^ nfr tuflicirti ............ n,>| <pc* i.»l ml®- Warden «I Forgouen Wisdom: / /imr mA» ran channel the wisdom »/'the gifted \rldari arr ttmonK%¡ ihf most gifted psykers in the gala.vv. If vom Wai lord is .« I'svker. you mav scln t ,|UMl poweis before ill** battle begins rathei than generating them normally. Otherwise, re-roll this result. Walker of Many Paths: /Vir Wailonl i.x x/fr/W in experience. their hard-earned skills bolstered all the mate by the safeguarded souls within. At the beginning of each of your turns, youi War'lord may choose one of the following special rules to gain until the beginning of vour following turn: Furious Charge, Nit & Run, Move Through Cover, Master of Death: The Warlord has gnat expertise in severing of the cord that hinds the hotly to the soul. II xou make a To Wound roll of 6 for any of your Warlords attacks, those attacks gain the Instant Death special rule. 5 Ruthless Commander: Ynnead has neither meiry not /rat the same can \>e said of the god's chosen. Youi Warlord and all friendly units with the Yrm.it i Fat lion within 7" of them are Fearless. 6 Favoured of Ynnead: The energies of the dead seek the Wat lord (mt, howling towards them like a gtile. Vom Warlord and their unit can make a Souibmst action when they are within I F of a min that is destroyed, rather titan 7".
P tA* FORMATION: • 1 Far seer (see Codex: Craftworlds) • I Shadowseer (see Codex: Harlequins) • 1 Spiritseer (see Codex: Craftworlds) • . W'raithlords (see Codex: Craftworlds) » iv 3 units chosen from the following Wraithguard (see Codex: Craftworlds) Wraithblades (see Codex: Craftworlds) RESTRICTIONS None. •*'* ».m ,»„ uwm, IU.TSSB Mir wi(ui>iru scfpnanwm* UW| wun a *“* ' ^ W Aai Wr ** *** ^ /o(i„ d,Z thf sharP and d'adly focus they possessed u,hen still aUoe. ar aw p«™ ^ 10 s/ay (*, ^¿„ 0/ their SPECIAL RULES: • Fear Reborn Souls: Non-character models in this Formation can re-roll To Hit rolls of 1 that target enemy units within 12" o a character from this Formation. Spirit Whispers: Enemy units locked in combat with any units from this Formation suffer a -2 penally to their Leadership when taking Fear tests.
.4а r* .Vrr F0RSL\T10S: nr яег C r-< oad fadr> {sre r» teer Guùnc Ü*rk ELùsri XESTRICTJOSS: ****кз Ы the WirUjck СоиЬь тшЕлПЫ Ч*"М » Wrink Slnunnw#. ,bt „ ) IZaftiLt. Thrm, «*rn tk, m~sx 4 ^ ^ **-*"***»HB —-- - *w <rr* im mi _ dtfir irauS ** ** SPECIAL RIFLES: - £__ . - «. ► ¿Xir* of Y—■* Whenever a umt fromlh» F ar metm unit- or is itself destroyed. put a ^ until tour next Pwchic phase. In tour not Pwefaic r>ha«r. the Warlock Conclave generaurt Charge point for each dice set aside in this The Net is Cast: All units in this Formation mu« be set up in Reserve. Make a single Reserve roll for the Formation ta each of tour turns from the second, which you can choose to re-roJL When this Formation arrives from Reserve, each unit moves onto the table as described for Reverses, except that each unit must move on from a different table edge (including sour opponent’s).
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Eldar
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Спецрулы уже слили то давно, дайте нам статов отрядов и что там за фигня с блек гардианами, чем отличаются от обычных, ибо как в 3 редакции +к БС/ВС уже не пройдёт
The new Forces of Ulthwe units have the Eldar Faction, but can only be included in either an Ulthwe Strike Force Detachment or as part of a Reborn Warhost (the new cross-faction Eldar detachment). They also cannot be included in any army that contains any Chaos Space Marine, Chaos Demon, Khorne Demonkin or Renegade Knight units.
Ulthwe Strike Force Detachment: 1-4 Elites (but can only be the new Black Guardian units, which are all Elite choices), Stubborn and Preferred Enemy if the enemy army has any Chaos units in it, Can roll for Deep Strike Reserves from Turn 1 if the Detachment has 4 units
All the following Black Guardian units have the Webway Assault rule in addition to their normal rules - A unit comprised entirely of models with this special rule can be placed in Deep Strike Reserve. When they arrive, they do not scatter but no model in the unit can be placed within 9" of any enemy models.
Black Guardians: Cross between Guardian Defenders and Storm Guardians essentially. 110pts for 10, 10 additional for 11pts a model. Come with Shuriken Catapult by default, but they can all swap for Shuriken Pistol/CCW for free (if they do so they get the Power Sword, Flamer, Fusion Gun upgrades Storm Guardians get). If they keep their Catapults, they can take Heavy Weapon Platforms with the usual upgrades. No Warlock leader upgrade.
Black Guardian Windriders: 60pts for 3, up to 7 more for 20pts a model. No Warlock Leader upgrade, but otherwise the same as regular Windrunners.
Black Guardian Vyper Squadron: 45pts per Vyper, can take up to 6 in a Squadron. All usual vehicle upgrades
Black Guardian War Walker: 65pts per Walker, up to 2 additional. All usual vehicle upgrades.
ясно - безварлочьи (ультвийские) гарданы с дипстрайком без скатера. И с возможностью выбипать всё на 1 ходу.
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