Genestealer Cult :: Wh News :: Tyranids (Тираниды) :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: фэндомы

Genestealer Cult Tyranids Wh News ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh News

he Acolyte Hybrids .ire the first two L	generations of a Cenestealer Cult s
Я brood cycle, and arc the most overtly ШШЛ monstrous of all the cult's faithful. Hunched and freakish things, they appear to outsiders as more Cenestealer than man. Acolyte Hybrids are the foundations of a nascent cult,

iWft* с Л Oct
r*nt>stcaler Cult	mind to influence others, often
Г'™, brood hierarchy.	them to aid and a be, ,|lc
,, rtc top of which sits col, agalns, their will. The ?e Patriarch, the first «mus Is a m I taiy leade, wi,|, ,n ,and on a planet an

ny CefleMcoln Cult vrtth hybrids tnsidc planetary detente lorces U quick lo secure Leman Russ Battle Tanks lot thcll Inevitable uprising. providmRthc broodkln with leroctous lliupowcr The Cenestealer Cult Leman Russ Includes a Leman Russ Baltic Tank and a Cenestealer

— «TZ^r*“	•*>*•*!». r« h «til only be
'»«■..	'C.ealcrl »Ne n « »,rr.rv(rjlo«
Cull CM. Ml «чпчу and L‘f) *•*-•>»	marches lo *«. I No Cull
»■* Konwurd ..I iNo heart of the
тлит. Inspiring them lorvor *** *~*	» » greater Alt of savagely
(«X every Gencstcalcr Cull bide* In the shadow* of Imperial

tiwoiuoacqu GobatMnxks 5 n« superb tnn tor a GcnctlM
latest ntm
be noble Armoured Fist Is a tlmc-honoured tactic of the Astra Mllltarum.
| j ■ but like everything else the cult gets Its 1 " И filthy dagger-llke claws on. this has

nly the most faithful and blessed of the Patriarch's Inner circle of Acolytes Is chosen for the holy duty of bearing the Gencstealcr Cult's banner, arguably the cult's most sacred Icon Borne into battle by a nightmare amalgam of man and Genestealer. the banner can inspire the


he Acolyte Hybrids .ire the first two L generations of a Cenestealer Cult s Я brood cycle, and arc the most overtly ШШЛ monstrous of all the cult's faithful. Hunched and freakish things, they appear to outsiders as more Cenestealer than man. Acolyte Hybrids are the foundations of a nascent cult, the favoured sons of the Patriarch, and will be kept close to him in the dark places the cult 's true heart hides. Some may travel out in the manufact, tainted f0 and are m w eapons a the™ Indc abominabl, these toolc The faithful of the cult u,;n . . with low-tech weapons thJkhirf1"У ** by hive militias and criminal Г USUal1 shotguns, heavy Slubbers anH 85’ SU< re-purposed industrial tools 3 W'de' You'll find Ю Neophyte Hvb -w enough options to make sure $ ,Ы$ your cult are alike. No, о . П° ,Wo sq host of weapons to arm rh У,'1Ге ,here a options to elevate one о ,V"ЬЫ* ,hei Neophyte Leader Anoth Ь "Umbcr ,c sacred duty of |COn ** giver bome by the Cult s ,conward ne,he лимш» lUtt*** !gg1»" n&g1 The kit c< who bear akin to th, creatures. they are boly forms open. clad in obfuscating rags or ensconced in the armoured cabs of Goliath trucks, but typically a cult will put the hybrids of the earliest generations to work out of sight in its mines or uallfc/ituHttri na/Mrxr&tnvw Ыв*и~*к ГЫ htder ur&b (3) Ы rnuj fobtnilvtbcito bj *"B9* *ij CerrWtoi 7 (ytkatnlwwtuSr 4 1 i M*t*TVphbttStrtht g Г/mrOind i Mr.nrtrwp*.»,^ Щ (fJnrtbtiMibtn P charv.itor&ty l Ътпс&опц, A atothtenahne *"» dtobmfU' i с*глплпгг' fhnttnof^nf Л куьчиьп У* vwbb« FORAU j WEAPONS w T TURN тот ocioeatm I0BCR2Q1R
 ¥ остит BROODCOVEN sanswua cuirs BKOODCOM iWft* с Л Oct r*nt>stcaler Cult mind to influence others, often Г'™, brood hierarchy. them to aid and a be, ,|lc ,, rtc top of which sits col, agalns, their will. The ?e Patriarch, the first «mus Is a m I taiy leade, wi,|, ,n ,and on a planet an innate skill for war and no Cenesteale short amount of guile. When the <ind bestow cult reaches a size capable of an ,"1 docs the Patriarch supporting an uprising, the **2e Z*Zd influence, a Primus will emerge to take ',' J ‘^licn overlord that is control of Its military assets. mon; ‘ __________i.w#., Kv/ hi< leading the cult into kittlr fllUIISHv/Mv--- uorshipped as a deity by his ev er-growing host of fanatical hybrid followers After several generations the cult will spaw n new leader figures who can a/mosf pass for human. The Magus is a political and propaganda master, a figurehead w ho manipulates those in pow er and rouses the members of the cult to a state of frenzied activity A pow erful osvker. he uses the power of his leading the cult into battle. Though a capable fighter, he is also an astute tactical leader, combining human duplicity and ambition with alien cunning This plastic boxed set contains all three of these cult hierarchs plus a couple of Genestcaler Familiars - psychic manifestations that scamper to do their masters’ bidding. All will heed the psychic shriek of f h.\ 12 •.\. \. j. •.\% \ LATEST NEWS hi Into like 'I the mb Hjners 1 m*'i goliath ^ ,lath truck Is one of the Impcnum s ^д-! hc G '*orkhorse vehicles, a heavy-duty. таьУ.огаис truck designed to be used 1 i h,*Y. harshest environments Goliaths ^ J5y found on industrial worlds where are common у ^ minlng. excavation, haulage and they atc ust fk jnd they re often upgraded with clearance w • |q bore thr0ugh rock faces to rockgr'nclt Such a ut||ei ubiquitous vehicle riCh ^rfect for the Gcnestealer Cults, who iS PCf ition the Goliaths for their own rC<^!»reround activities and re-fit them with guns SO they can be used in the great uprising plastic kit builds either of two variations of the Goliath - the Goliath Truck and the Goliath Rockgrinder. The Goliath is used by the cult to transport its Acolytes and Neophytes into battle. Us mining equipment replaced with whatever guns the Cultists can lay their hands on The Rockgrinder is traditionally used to pulverise rocks and debris, though it is equally good at smashing through infantry and even enemy tanks ---- TS.O.___ • сЬж* Of rhf •• wrwurm nw«*<J ****** lYtttm - a* М1УТК ClfW. a* h*»v# mmQ User —ШШ.Щ км П-- .4._ Ог^гя^.ГЫп •idevgoerdte/ *сл.ыла*уь*уо 1411 W---- b<W" rec^fcfcnted K>b*trtod**w*wpor* The Hock grinder rf»e*««tur»ta*<to«*Y **Jw»mo**edon a* from of iti chMui GtNlSUAlER CULTS GOUATH r. 01 Oct
CENESTEALER CULT LEMAN RUSS ny CefleMcoln Cult vrtth hybrids tnsidc planetary detente lorces U quick lo secure Leman Russ Battle Tanks lot thcll Inevitable uprising. providmRthc broodkln with leroctous lliupowcr The Cenestealer Cult Leman Russ Includes a Leman Russ Baltic Tank and a Cenestealer Cult upgrade sprue lo maik your tank out as an asset ol an Insidious cult. Vou'te also lelt with plenty ol bits to start converting, units to the cause tWLSUJALA cum шимм» CftQo ctAOct OLW.ttl». mxrv&to. KVrTir USAV/j.CanMb. o^L-^Г: Аиткпиь. V7.V0).T»'T* WCWW.MCl». 5Ш)
— «TZ^r*“ •*>*•*!». r« h «til only be '»«■.. 'C.ealcrl »Ne n « »,rr.rv(rjlo« Cull CM. Ml «чпчу and L‘f) *•*-•>» marches lo *«. I No Cull »■* Konwurd ..I iNo heart of the тлит. Inspiring them lorvor *** *~* » » greater Alt of savagely («X every Gencstcalcr Cull bide* In the shadow* of Imperial Indusliy louitN generation hybrid* have been known to Infiltrate planetary defence force* and Imperial Guard regiments. not only giving llie cull acres* (O advanced weapons, but letting them *prv*d their taint whatever (hr regiment goes. The Neophyte Hybrid Squad c Shock Hoop* a CadUn Нс ее, „ and a Gencstcalcr CuU upgj^S; — л ’ the model* fiom or> l>age 110 to *ee |u„ can do with this bnlliar.t SEEPAGE 116 TO FIND OUTMORE
IritNNHttttom tiwoiuoacqu GobatMnxks 5 n« superb tnn tor a GcnctlM latest ntm DENESTEALER CULT NEOPHYTE HYBRID ARMOURED ОШ* be noble Armoured Fist Is a tlmc-honoured tactic of the Astra Mllltarum. | j ■ but like everything else the cult gets Its 1 " И filthy dagger-llke claws on. this has been sullied by the Cencstealer Cults and turned back on Mankind. Dubbed the Armoured Claw, squads of tainted Guardsmen ride to battle In the backs of Chimera transports, aiding their btethten against any resistance to the cult s ascension The Neophyte Hybrid Atmoutcd Claw set Includes Ю Cadlan Shock Troops, a Chimera armoured troop carrier, and a Cencstealer Cull upgrade sprue to corrupt your Guardsmen and emblazon the Chimera with the symbols of alien treachery. simsumw cutis MlMOUMD CUM -.01 On tss. <л*>. mca* . t\o*.oc>r««.\Ka U5AVACWWA tVCA Юя®. *«\0.
CULT ICONWARD nly the most faithful and blessed of the Patriarch's Inner circle of Acolytes Is chosen for the holy duty of bearing the Gencstealcr Cult's banner, arguably the cult's most sacred Icon Borne into battle by a nightmare amalgam of man and Genestealer. the banner can inspire the faithful of the cult's degenerate flock with a terrible religious fervour, filling the loathsome broodkin with the unwholesome power of the Great Devourer. Whilst the exact form the banner will take varies from cult to cult, each will only be revealed when a Genestealer Cult casts off secrecy and marches to war. the Cult Iconward at the heart of the masses, inspiring them to ever
Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh News
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